Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today didn't go to school as I went to "his" courtcase. Was kinda excited though HAHA !  He was damn fucking funny. When he look at me, he laugh... End up kena scolded by the polices ! HAHA ! Anyway, still need some time to see him ): I miss him alot alot . 

After the courtcase, his mother was damn good. She passed me $10 and asked me to take cab to dhoby gaut instead due to heavy rain. So kind of her. Thanks, aunt (: Met @Norahim and his friend, @Javern. Wanted to watch movie but I have to rush to work later on. Thus, we went bugis for a pool session. While pool-ing, @lester came. After a few rounds, we head off to buy KOI KOI (: Nice. Vanilla Milk tea ^^ Then went to work. Here come @Reeve the magician HAHA. Saw @jerome and @tian en walking past my shop. Today the sales is like a KNS only ): Sold one piece only. Anyway back to usual. After work, @Reeve, @Lester and me head off to arcade. Basketball as usual and House of the dead 4. Then home sweet home (:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Went school today. Met Lester after my school at tampines. Ate KFC as usual. Then head off to Bedok point Kbox. Had much fun though (: Home sweet home after that (:

REMAIN SILENT after seeing that. It breaks my heart when I came to know you've been lying to me all the while. I don't blame you. I blame myself for being stupid for putting so much trust on you. I'm just being stubborn and stupid. GAVE UP.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today went schooling with @Zoe. Had much fun with her (: Woke up late today as I slept late yesterday night. Woke up, prepared and head off to meet my darling <3 Had lecture at 10.10am. Break for 1 hour and back to lab. The clumsy @Zoe kept knocking onto her head. She was damn fucking noisy I swear. HAHA ! *wink She cannot maintain at all. In lab, facebook and twitter all the way lor. And kept viewing SOMEONE's photo! Cannot maintain luh. ^^ After our lesson at 2pm, we head off to our school Mac for lunch. Went cityhall aftermath to meet @Jindaaaaaaaa. Pool-ed , shopped at marina square. Then spent $30 over dollar at Prize Stage. Here come @Lester and @Reeve. Went Suntec together and @Zoe has to go off )': Saddddddie. @Lester, @Reeve and me went cottage waffle. They had their Laksa and I used @Lester's Iphone. Lester is like a pity nia. Whenever he met me, his iphone will be on my hand all the while. From 88%, I used until 19%. HAHAH ! I'm another one whom cannot maintain . WOOHOO :P Sorry luh, @Lester. I know you won't mind ^.< *wink . Went arcade after filling their stomach. Then home sweet home. (: Looking forward to tmr's schoooooool . It's like a fun only. * This year quite a number of handsome handsome. (: HAHA JOKEEEEEEE. :D 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm left with nothing after you've left from my life. But I told myself I'm still able to move on without you in my life. And I'm trying to. I'm moving on to the next chapter of my life. I don't want to stuck on the chapter which include you and me. I'm the one suffering and you're enjoying yourself on the other hand. I guess the relationship between us is like.... strangers? I didn't expect things to turn out in this way and it happens. I can't do anything to it as it takes 2 hands to clap. I only hope you can last long with her. Find your happiness from her. I'm contented enough as long as I know you're happy with your current life. I will move on. I will get use to my life without you. My actual life is fill with colors and happiness because of you. But now, it all goes back to normal again. Sometimes when I looked up the blue blue sky, I've realized the distance between the stars and me is so far away. Just like the distance between you and me. Though we are standing just side by side when we saw each other, but our distance is very far away. Do you know how I was feeling at that moment? I guess you won't even bother? My heart seemed like a knife piercing through it deeply and blood is oozing out, bleeding profusely and continuously. All this hurts and pains got to stop now. I've to force myself by dragging my feet onto next chapter. I don't want to stay on to this particular miserable chapter of my life. I can simply tell you, the feelings really sucks, totally sucks. Perhaps people may think I'm exaggerating, but the feeling is like.... the end of the world. When it comes to end of both of us, I'm like in the hell. I swear I'm having the feeling at that moment. I won't be thinking about you anymore. I will kick you away from my life. School is starting, I will put my heart onto my studies. From now on, I don't want and I won't shed any tears because of you. From now on, I won't mention or talk about you to anyone anymore. From now on, I won't think about you and our memories anymore. I won't throw away our memories. I will just keep it as a small part of stories in this chapter of my life. Everything is over. I will accept the fact that you're no longer in my life and will never be. Take care.

And boy, how can you leave me alone outside and you went in? You know how much I miss you? You know how much I've regretted for not replying your msgs etc before you got arrested? My heart hurts. Fell while thinking about you. What hurts me more is seeing them handcuffed you when I can't do anything to help you. Well, Please faster come out ! I'm missing you. I wanted to see you so badly! Whenever I'm down, you're there for me. Now, I've no one to turn to anymore )': Better lead good life inside and don't fight anymore. Alot people are waiting for you to come out including me and your family. Take care. 

Let the nature take its course, stay positive (:

I've a beautiful dream which I hope I wouldn't be waking up once. Though I know it's a shattered dream, but I've carried much hopes in it, hoping the dream becoming true. However, I've woken up from the dream. I will seriously move on and I shall do it. I will accept the fact that you're no longer mine and will never be mine again. I won't shed any tears because of you again. I know that the Earth doesn't stop revolving because of me. Time is precious. It doesn't stop working for me to stand rooted to the ground and emo-ing over you. You've your life to lead, so do I. I will not shed any tears for you anymore. Today is the last time I'm crying for you. I swear it is.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


What friends are for?

The current feeling of mine really sucks. I'm always the first one to know the secret of yours initially. However I'm the last to know now? I don't like the feelings being left out. We always used to talk on phone everyday, every night? However, now you've got them, you simply push me away. You said you'll be by my side always no matter what. Is this just a bullshitting of yours? I don't know anymore. You've been keeping secret behind me nowadays. Really hate that feelings, I swear. Hide from me and meet someone else at cine there yesterday? Scared I know? Who am I to you now ? close sister? Or purely stranger? You know how sad am I to encounter all this anot? Perhaps, you can't see or realise.. But the actions of yours, hurts. Your attitude for me change too. When I called you, you hanged up and sms me, "you call me for what?" Wth ? Don't know is it I'm being over-paranoid or what. I treated you as my real sister that's why I'm upset over your doings. I cherish and treasure you. But this is what You've given me. You know most of my probs and the happenings around me. Wondering why you treat me in this way. Please care for me more, can you? Don't because of you got them then push me away. The feelings really sucks. Kindly put yourself into my shoes. Thanks. I really treasure you, ALOT. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm glad that you've found someone whom you can really have happiness with. I was very shocked initially I swear. And I cried. Once again, I cried because of you.

However, I thought through it.
You told me you broke up with me is because of a girl and a specific reason. You said you gave up everything on love is because of your personal reason. And now, you can step into new relationship.I just can't imagine that you could step into another relationship so fast when you told me you gave up everything on love. Maybe it's all just a bullshit? I didn't blame you. Maybe you didn't want to tell me in face that you don't love me anymore? Maybe you didn't want to tell me in face that I'm not the one for you? Maybe you didn't want to tell me in face that you've never love me before? Maybe you didn't want to tell me in face that you're just toying my feelings? Maybe you didn't want to tell me in face that I'm just a replacement to you of her? There's alot of maybe(s) which you are planning to hide it from me forever.

Well, it's the last time I'm crying for you. I promise it's the last time and I'll definitely move on. I will try to even it's hard to do so. And thanks to you, I can hardly trust guys anymore. You still remember what you've said to me and promised me earlier on? Promises are meant to be broken. I believe about this sentence already. Your promises which you've made to me, are like BUTTERFLIES. It flew away quickly and easily without any notice. And it's so high way up! Worst to worst, I guess you forgotten what you've promised me earlier on too ! Remember I've promised you to quit smoking? Well, I can proudly say that I did make my promise. I quited smoking as I knew I've promised you. Yes, if I smoke at other place, you also can't see. But I didn't pua stun. What I've promised, I'll do it. But yet, you didn't make your promise.

Sometimes when I looked up the sky, I saw blinking stars. The distance between stars and me are fucking far and drift away. Just like you and me. You are so high up in the sky. And I can only look at you silently , watching you getting your happiness from far. Yes, Me and You are destined to watch each other getting happiness from far. Only from far. Even we are standing right beside each other, the distance of our heart is like Heaven and Hell. The feeling is indescribable.

It has been two weeks we've been separated. I'm here crying for you and you're there spending your happiness time with her. How stupid am I doing all these? You must be mocking at me, don't you. But don't forget. I'm doing all this for one reason. All is because I love you.

Things happen again and again. You should know about my problems and yet you are throwing to me a problem which I need lot time to solve it. When I was at cantoment,  I was thinking, how I wish you can be by my side, supporting me. But I guess it's impossible right now?

Seeing posts like "last long" on your wall when the girl is not me, it hurts. It really hurts. You know what is the most hurting part? The most hurting part is not when you broke up with me. The most hurting part is , seeing someone whom I love, being with other girl.

I thought I've forgotten you. I've stopped viewing your facebook, contacting you etc etc. I stopped myself from viewing your profile is because I'm trying to move on without you. BUT when your relationship status changed appear in my news feed, my tears dropped. I cried. And I realized, I still love you, I still can't forget you. Seriously FUCKMYLIFE. How can I stop myself from forgetting you? I hate to see you being with other girls. The feeling just sucks. it really sucks I swear.

Without a word, Love left me. Without a word, Love tossed me aside, not knowing what to say, my lips must have been surprised because you came without a word. Without a word, you came to me. Without a word, you left. Just like a passing fever, it just needed to hurt for awhile and leave a small scar behind. 
I'll try my best to forget about you and move on. I will leave this chapter of ours in my life aside. I'll move on to the next chapter of my life.  
Sincerely I hope you and her could last long. Find the true happiness between you and her. I want you to be happy thats all. Please stay happy. Seeing you happy, I'm more contented 
than anything else. Take care too. 

For all of the time that i tried for your smile
For making you think that i was worth the while
So your love love love love love would be mine
For sending you flowers and holding your hand
That no one was there to take a stand
But then love love love made us blind
And I’m so sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry i was falling in love with you
I’m sorry that it came true
But sorry doesn’t turn back time
For all that i have done to you
I wish that i could make it right
So sorry that i loved you
Sorry that i needed you
Sorry that i hold you tight
And I’m So sorry for...
Making you love me and saying goodbye
For being the one that taught you how to cry
It was love love love and it passed us by
For giving you every thing that you dreamed
For taking it back when i fled the scene
sorry love,for wasting your time
And I’m so sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry i was falling in love with you
I’m sorry that it came true
But sorry doesn’t turn back time
For all that i have done to you
I wish that i could make it right
I’m so sorry that i loved you
Sorry that i needed you
Sorry that i hold you tight
And apology now after all of this time
Won’t make my difference tonight
But I’m hoping I’m Sorry will open your mind
To love love love love in your life
Sorry that i hurt you
Sorry that i fell through
Sorry i was falling in love with you
I’m sorry that it came true
But sorry doesn’t turn back time
For all that i have done to you
I wish that i could make it right
So sorry that i hurt you
Sorry that i fell through
Sorry i was falling in love with you
I’m sorry that it came true
But sorry do can’t turn back time
I’m sorry that i loved you
I’m sorry that i hurt you
I’m so sorry that i loved you
I’m sorry that i hurt you
Sorry that i loved you


Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
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?Chity chatty?