Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Your favourite - Doraemon( look like you HAHA)  (:
Your dream place - New Zealand (:

I know you've someone you like already. I won't disturb you anymore. I'll only be watching you and her getting the happiness silently. I won't show my expression and emotion out to you anymore. Alright, I'll treat you as a bastard if you think its better in this way. Whatever things make you happy, I'll do it. I won't be drinking because of you anymore. I'll stay strong and move on. I can also live without you. I will tell myself it's not the end of the world yet. If you think seeing me like this, You're happy with it, I'll do it for you . I will do things to make you feel comfy. I don't want you to feel bad, guilty or whatsoever. You're not at the fault. Neither do I. It just that we've no fate to be lovers. I accepted it. (: No worries, I'll be fine. As I said, I'll move on. I'll stay strong. I don't want to be defeated so easily. I'll keep our love story as a little part of my life story. There's alot of stories ahead waiting for me. I've read this story of ours and I'll move on to the next stories. I promise. And and and, please stay happy always alright? Not for me but for the people around you whom are worry and care for you. No matter what obstacles you're encountering, please stay strong. Don't be defeated as it's not the end of the world yet. There'll be definitely a solution to solve it. Calm yourself down and think properly. And also, don't fall sick easily. Eat more vitamin. I believe you have it alot (: Please take care of yourself when I can't be there for you. Contact me whenever you want. I'm still here. (: CHEERS.

DRINK DRANK DRUNK for the past 4 days.

Shattered Dream
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Will you ever notice if consecutive 3 days didn't text you, facebook, blog, twitter, go home etc ? Will you worried? Well, I really tired of my life. I tired to accept this kind of outcome when I put in so much efforts, loves and cares. I love you too much till I can cry for you everyday. I put on mask everyday when I'm out. However, I'm a lousy actor, I couldn't hide my emotions well. I cried in front of people. I don't like people to see the weakness side of mine I swear. But I can't controlled it and tears rolled down automatically. The days when I saw you and couldn't talk to you, my heart sank. Why things turn out in this way? From friends to lovers to strangers? I really don't want things to turn out like this. It's suffering I swear. I really hope I can avoid all these stuffs. When I dream about you, I called Amanda, teared and teared. I really can't forget you. I know time heals everything. You know you're the first guy I cried so much for and wanted patch back so badly in my life? I've never cried over a guy so much and so long after breakup. Why can't you just give me any chance? I don't deserve the chance? Anything happen to you, yes I can't help you solve. At least I want be there for you, supporting you mentally and physically. But you told me " I don't need you to" . You know how sad am I after seeing and knowing this? And you told people, "within 3 months, you confirm kick me out" why you have to say until like this? If you don't love me at all, don't come jio me in the first place. You should know at that moment , I just broken with my ex boyf as he 2 timed me. I've phobia. You gave me hope, you told me you will help me overcome the phobia etc. But blow after blow. You think I'm a robot? If you have no confidence in loving me, then don't come jio me. Gave me hope and crashed it. Brought me to the very top of the mountain and kicked me off the mountain so roughly. It hurts, deeeeeeeply. It really hurts. But still, I don't blame you. I just not a good girlfriend I guess? If I'm , we won't become like this. My fault, I'm sorry.
I'm really tired, very tired. But that doesn't mean I've given up on everything. I need time alone. So I hope, if I really MIA, you will worry and look for me. I guess you won't. So, I don't put so much hopes. My hp password is still the same as before. ******** , I really love you alot alot alot. More than anyone expected.
How I wish the dream is true. But it will never ever come true........
If one day I really MIA, please take care of yourself. Don't keep smoking. Bad for health.... Have enough sleep ! And rmb, I'm loving you always.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I miss you and I really do. Well, I guess I've not been a good girlfriend to you thats why you're giving me up so easily. I know how you feel. As I said, I don't blame you or anyone else, I won't. I only blame myself for being stupid for not being a good girlfriend to you. All the while, I myself thought that I could change your life, I thought I could be forever with you, I thought you can stay be by my side always and forever as you've promised me to, I thought I can be with you always whenever you're encountering problems. However, all this, it's just a dream. A memorable dream. How I wish I will never wake up from this dream. This dream is so beautiful, is really beautiful. But it's just a short temporary dream. I thought you could forget her, I thought you've nothing for her, I thought my appear can really change you. I thought my care and love for you could move your heart, however, never and it will never. Sighs. But still, you're really a nice guy. Remember the few times I saw you at Cine, and I told you ,you diao me? HAHA, that's a truth anyway ! (: Remember we had our real talk at scape there when you're going kbox time? H2H talk with you, it makes me feel comfy when came to talking to you. Remember when I'm having flu and cough, you brought alot sweets and vitamin C for me in your bags? Looks like you're doraemon since you love it so much (: And also, when we had our lunch at Far East, you actually asked the person for warm water, and it is for me. So sweet of you, so caring of you. Remember when we were crossing the road from heeren to cine, you held my hand and I let go. I'm not prepared. Your brother, C came to psycho me, telling me how good you're etcetc. At night, we went dhoby. And .... you held my hand up again and this time round, I didn't let go. I want to cherish you, I want to treasure you. That is what I've told myself at that moment. And this is how we had got together. Remember how early you've woken up for me, just to meet me at town? I really appreciated it alot, damn fucking lots. Remember you always feed me with sweets ? It's really lovable of you I swear. Remember we watched "the ex haunted lover" ? I was so scared that I've grabbed your arm so tightly. And you were there for me. You gave me the feeling that, with you around , it's always safe for me. Remember we watched "the red riding hood"? It's so nice . Remember when I'm having probs, you gave me a warmth hug. A very warmth hug. I don't need anything , just your hug, I will be satisfied with it. Remember we had a phone chat during midnight ? It was awesome I swear. Remember you will always give me a hug and kiss when I'm going home? It's so blissful I swear. Remember your fb notes? From there, I know that, NEW ZEALAND is a place which you wish to go. And I swear your notes are damn funny. :D We have alot alot of memories. However, I've got only these memories. Not anymore from you. I always told myself, move on move on. But I really couldn't move on without you. How I wish you're be by my side again. How I wish all this breakup, is just a present for April fool.. How I wish you can tell me, all this is just a joke.. But it will never come true. I guess you really hate the existence of mine. I cried after you hanged up my call within 15 secs? It's really heartbreaking I swear. Well, I will try vanishing from your life as I know you wouldn't want to see me badly or contact me. I won't interrupt your life anymore. But that doesn't mean I've given up on you. You given me up, that doesn't mean I must too. 3 months. You wait and see. No matter what the outcome will be, I'll accept it. At least I've tried. I hope within these 3 months, you'll come back to me. This is the first time I'm waiting for a guy. I hope you wouldn't disappoint me. Whatever it is, please stay happy always no matter what. If too stress, share your problems with your friends or brothers. Don't keep everything in your heart. Don't fall sick. Take care of yourself. I love you and I truly do. I miss you and I truly do. But I just want you to be happy. Loving someone no need to be with that person. Loving someone is to see that person being happy. I love you, I just want you to be happy always no matter what. I'll be contented. ********, I'll wait for you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I always told myself, DON'T DON'T. DON'T VIEW HIS FB! However, my itchy hands would CLICKED and VIEWED his facebook profile. I teared everytime when I think of him. It has been few days after my breakups. My life isn't complete anymore. Without him in my life, my heart sank, sank completely. Whatever it is, I'm still have no regrets for knowing him. Knowing him, I'm really content with it I swear. Maybe I've not fulfil the duty of being his girlfriend that's why he's giving me up so easily. I don't blame anyone except myself. I'm just failed to be his girlfriend. It's really awkward without you in my life anymore. Still, I want you to stay happy. As long as i see you happy, I'm okay with anything. Don't worry about me, I'm doing fine though (: Take good care. I still hope you would contact me back. At least, as a friend .

Sunday, March 20, 2011


但是我 却不在你心中 逗留

可是我 总换不了你的 心动


但是我 却不在你心中 逗留

可是我 总换不了你的 心动


Friday, March 18, 2011

It's a big blow when you told me all these stuffs. I was utterly disappointed and grieve over it. You've become everything in my life. But in only short period of time. It vanished. You not in my life anymore? I was wondering. I just couldn't accept the fact that you're not in my life anymore. I love you as deep as the ocean. Yes, we've been together for not long only. However, I swear my love for you is deeply. But your love for me , isn't. I really hate it. I don't blame you. I only blame myself, for not being a good girlf to you, causing your feelings to decrease for me. Why would you just give up like this? Why? My mood really gone down like this. Never mind, it's alright. I guess you've made the decision properly, as long as you think this decision is fine for you and you're happy with it, then go ahead. Loving someone no need to get him/her. Loving someone is to see him/her getting his/her happiness. I really love you alot, and i truly love you. What I'm hoping now, is not your love and care anymore. I just wish that you can be happy. Don't be so stress over anything. There'll be a way to solve everything. If you really overstress, rest awhile. Take care of your own health. I'll be watching you silently, seeing you getting your next happiness. Thanks for everything you've given me, I really treasure and cherish it alot. You really enlighten my days up with you around. You take great care of me every now and then. Thanks for everything. I love you and I really do.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

If you ask me how am I feeling right now, I would answer you, "UNDESCRIBABLE is the feeling I'm having now."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today is another day, a saddening day. My life is like, a guitar with a broken string, a tree without any leaves, a house without a roof top. It's so IMPERFECT and SUCKS TTM. I know life has ups and downs, we can learn more if we fall. Tearing has become a habit of me. I need to go through it everyday. This is not what I want. Do you guys think that I'm a robot? Seriously, I'm not as strong as like what you people have thought. I can face you guys happily while my heart is burning like hell. I believe no one could understand how I feel. Every night, I told myself, "Everything's gonna be alright tomorrow. Hang on.". But I said it with my tears rolling down the cheeks as I know there'll be things happening everyday for sure. Whenever I told someone, "Nothing, I'm fine". I said it with a knife piercing into my heart. The pain, the fear, the sorrows in me.... No one would really understand. NO ONE WILL. I've been living in the darkness. There's no sunlight for me. I'm an owl, I live in darkness.Who can actually save me out from the darkness and give me some sunlight? Who will? I don't know. This world is scary too. No one will ever know the intention of someone befriended with you, be it in a good or bad way. Some people could just treat you damn fucking good infront of you, comforting you when you're sad, giving you advices whenever you need to, lend you listening ears whenever you need to..... But you never know what they have done behind you. They can just backstab you easily. Friends, you can have alot alot alot. However, if come to true friends, I shall see how many you guys have. True friends is uncommon nowadays. If you happen to have a few, you're lucky, please do treasure and cherish it. True friends are, they'll be by your side unconditionally when you need them. True friends are, they wouldnt spill your secrets or your probs to others when you told them about it. True friends are, they will never ever backstab you. These kind of friends, hardly can find. As I said, the world is indeed scary. FULL OF 2-FACED PEOPLE. beware, beware and beware. Anyway , I can simply FML.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today went TPY with Boyf , Gary, Amanda, Cloud and Zoe. Settled our lunch at Mac with Mac meals, waffles and gong cha while waiting for the SLOW CLOUD. Tried going TPY arcade but I guess it's not there anymore. Went TPY lor 2 after Cloud came. Gary went to shave his hair. Fucking funny during the process of cutting I swear (: Kept laughing non stop. ^^ He going NS soon. ^^ Less one person to disiao liao. Like a sian only. HAHA ! After that, amanda cabbed to Bedok to meet her friends while the rest of us cabbed to Amk hub to meet Andre. Then went Block 452 , K-two salon. Cloud and Boyf having hair cut. While they were having hair cut, Zoe and me were playing with the kids there. I swear the kids there are fucking cute. 2 girls , 1 boy. ^^ But I like the youngest girl most. Her eyes is damn nice and her face is like chubby type. Love her alot alot ^^ After Hair cut, we went back to AMK hub. As usual, the guys have their maxtune. LOL. Went S11 to fill our stomach after the games. Then Gary and me cabbed back home while the rest went kbox at Grandlink. Think they going Gary's house after that? And I'm gonna sleep sooon ! Too tired ! HAHAHA.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Today went town with my boyf , fixed his mac book, shop for his daily necessities then head for lunch. Hainan chicken rice for him and cheese, egg prata for me (: After that, watched Red Riding Hood at cine. I swear that the male lead is fucking handsome. The plot for that show is AWESOME too. Will never regret after watching it. Actually.....have an urge to watch the second time!! I don't mind seriously ((: It's really fucking good show i swear :P After movie, went Koufu to drink and eat with Gary, Cloud and Kenny. They maxtune after fulling their stomach. Like a lame. Maxtune all the way, not sian meh? LOLOL. Took train with them around 11.30pm. Walked home with Gary as he lived behind my block only! He kena disiao by me like a shiok only. HEHEH, no choice, he going army liao. HAHA. Anyway FUCKMYLIFE srsly.

Baby, each day I see you, my love for you increase by 10%. Until now, we've been together for around 2 weeks already. My feelings for you is from LIKE to LOVE. It's really weird that....In the past, you're just a stranger to me whom I don't really bother much about you. Now, you meant so much to me. It's fate i guess? Thus, I would cherish and treasure this "fate" which has given to me as I cannot afford to lose it and I don't want to. Within this month, alot of things have been happening to me and it's not easy to solve. Luckily, there's you be by my side. I don't need you to help me solve everything. I just need your supports, cares, loves, concerns, hugs and kisses. These are the things which I want it from you and you have given me. Tons of appreciates and loves from me I wish to last long with you and I want you. You're my everything. I Love You 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Alot of things have been happening nowadays. I can actually list down one by one. Two-time by my ex, kena call slut, bitch etc by sisters when I'm having boyfriend, said bad things about me to my boyfriend's brother, sickness, family problems etc etc. Hello, I seriously not a robot ley. You think I can take everything at one go? When all this happen , I choose to remain silence. I don't want to stress anyone I swear. I rather keeping it to myself. So what if people see me crying? No one can solve all these problems for me. Anyone can? I doubt so. Sometimes I felt that I'm a failure. A failure of being a good daughter, friend, sister and girlfriend. And sometimes, I was wondering, if I never ever exist in this world, will the things all change? From bad to good or even worst? Sometimes I was wishing..... How I wish I would never exist in this world. I really thought of. Life has been negative for me. I'm like damn fucking stress right now and I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm seriously tired. Tired of my life I swear.

Monday, March 7, 2011

For the first time I met you, we had heart to heart talk with one another outside cine . From the moment onwards , I felt that you're a nice guy whom I can share problems with , without any worries . I was so shocked when the moment you've held my hand . However I let go . Luckily you didn't give up . And so, we got together. Well, I'm lucky to have you in my life . You should know how bad my life is as I've told you . But after your appearance , you brought colors in my life , brighten my days up. Your cares and loves have touched me deeply and make me realise, You're the one for me. Time prove everything. It gonna prove how much you've meant to me and how much I've meant to you. I don't care how others feel about me when I'm with you. What matter the most is our heart for each other. No matter what happen, I'm willing to hold on to you hand, and walk down all the obstacles we would be facing together. I will never let go your hand unless you let go mine. You simply mean alot to me now and in future. Iloveyou, baby.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I had an awesome day today !! <3

Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
Single Attached



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?Chity chatty?