Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Monday, February 28, 2011

This is a Shattered Heart I got recently. I guess the picture above would show how I've felt.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Today met up with Darling, Alan and Sergio. See this cute doggie?! He's like a center of attraction luh. Everyone was staring, pointing and commenting about it! What a cute doggie ! HEHEHEHEHE. Love it damn much .. Shall meet up together with alan more so can get to see his dog more often ^^V
I'm like having phobia here and there. When will the phobia shoooooo off ? T^T

Monday, February 21, 2011

Some friends cannot be trusted seriously. They can say that things happen, they will be by your side and so on . However, when things happen, they will only stand at one side and do nothing. Some friends, is just simply using you. They just don't want to be alone. Or rather I should say, they don't want to be independent. Some friends befriended with one another have intentions. It's quite saddening to see all this happening. Isn't it? Friends are.. whenever you need listening ears, they will lend it to you. Whenever you face problems or troubles, they would solve it together with you. Whenever you feel sad, they will lend you their shoulders. Friends are similar to boyf/girlf to be exact. Please treasure and cherish them !

Today never meet up with my Darling. Miss him damn damn much. I was wondering how is he feeling now as He's sick )))); I hope he recover soon. I hope his sickness will come to me and not him. Anyw meeting him tmr with my brothers ! ^^V so happy to see him again tomorrow !! ILOVEYOU and IMISSYOU, my darling !!!!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Went Tiong to meet Cheryl , then head down to Jurong East to wait for my Darling while Cheryl went Boonlay to meet her boyf. After that, we met again together at Jurong Point. Ate KFC, slacked, "exercise" and wait for john to come. Saw Gordon there and chit chatted with him too. At night, wen burger king to pei my Darling eat while Cheryl pei john eat Fish and Co. After that home sweet home..
My poor Darling is getting sick. I hope he'll be alright.I rather I'm the one kena sick and not him. Sorry for not taking good care of you, making you sick ); RECOVER SOON DARLING ! My heart belong to you, the only you.

I'm scare there'll be a repeat history which I don't want that to happen. I hope my loved one will be by my side always, never leave me. I have fears and phobias nowadays, I'm afraid I would lose you one day. Whenever its getting late and wanting to sleep, I would hide myself in my blanket tearing as I'm afraid that I would lose you anytime. Its all because ILOVEYOU. After hearing how Cheryl's boyf has treated her, the more afraid I'm. If that were to happen on me, I'll be alike with how Cheryl has handle it. I would bear all this and try forgive and forget. The reason is simple. Its all because ILOVEYOU. But still, I hope you'll stay faithful to me forever, I can't afford to lose you and I don't want to.

And BabyCheryl ! Don't think too much already. Anything just text or call me, I'll be there for you. *winkwink Stay happy always alright ! :D

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saw the maggi picture? This is what my boyf cook for me usually when I'm in his house. Don't look down on this maggi! It's delicious! :P Today went over his house in the morning , took some photos. Then went over to Bugis to meet Alan and Xiongjie. Went TCC, then coffee shop and had pool session at pool fushion (: Seeing what happen to Alan makes me feel sorry for him. I hope he can stay as happy like last time. I don't wish to see friends around me emo-ing. Anyway Darling ! stop thinking about it le, I'll help you overcome it soon! No worries!! Chelle is always here for you! There'll be NO ALONE TIME for you as I'll be there for you always. I want you to feel the sense of security.
And stop acting strong in front of me because you don't have to. Just be who you are. If you want to cry out, just cry out! My shoulder is always for you. Please don't keep everything inside you. Just tell me and I'll be there for you. I won't leave you in a lurch. You know how worry and sad am I when I saw you thinking about it? You know how worry and sad am I when I saw tears in your eyes? I know you teared although you told me you didn't. I'm your girlfriend , anything don't have to hide it from me and keep it in your heart. I want to be with you during your sad moments. I want to be with you no matter in which situation. I don't want you to be alone as you've got me. I'm already in love with you. You sad, I also sad. You happy, I also happy. You got prob, also my prob and I'll stay be by your side to solve all of the problems. Whatever it is, I wanna to be with you always.

Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
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