Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's been 7th day ever since you're not be by my side. It's really unbelievable. Frankly speaking, I'm still missing you. If we're still together, today will be the 2nd week anniversary. Today should be our double date if we're still together. Well, I know pretty well that you're so much happier to have her in your life rather than me. All your promises for me have dropped into the drain. It isn't any promise made by you. Rather, it's just your sweet talking. And how dumb am I to fall for your sweet talk?! You must be laughing at my dumbness. It's fine with me now as I've decided to remove you from my mind. I'll try stopping myself from clicking into your facebook then think of our past. I'll treat our rs as a little part of my story life and a lesson learnt too. I'll move on with my life. I'll prove to you that w/o you in my life, I'll be much happier. I officially announced, YOU're out of my life already. (': All the best to you. Stay happy as forever (:

What is Promise? Is promise mend to be broken or the other way round? For YOU(you shall know who you're if you happen to read my blog), don't forget what YOU've promised me. I don't like people holding empty promises. Make promise only if YOU've confident in fulfilling it and not breaking it. Undertake not what YOU cannot perform but be careful to keep your promise. I'm awaiting for YOU. Don't give me any false hope. I swear I'll do anything crazy if I know YOU're fooling with me only.

When I'm attached and saw couples on the street, "Couple only! no big deal! I can also be as sweet as them!" , this thought came across my mind. However, when I'm single and saw couples on the street, " How sweet they are! Envy ttm ! How I hope I'll become one of them too! >.< ", this thought came across my mind. What a great impact, Isn't it ? Valentines' day is coming. Felt envy when seeing couples on the street, meanwhile, i was thinking," Where the heck is my prince charming? When will he be arriving?" Unfortunately, I'm not really craving for guys.. So, I'll wait (: 

Short comic (:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's been forth day ever since you're not be by my side. It's so unbelievable that time flies and we're no longer together already. You have made me fall for you deep and this is what I got for the outcome. It's really saddening to know that. It seems that, I have you for this moment, I lose you for the next moment. Where's the promises you've given me? Do you still remember how you woo-ed me over at the first day? When I said I didn't want to step into this relationship, do you still remember what you've told me? You told me you are not my ex boyfriends, you wouldn't be hurting like what they did. You told me you only tiongxim to me. You said you're no longer a hongster. I've actually believed it. How dumb am I? Falling into your sweet-talkings. It's only been forth day and you've got yourself a girlfriend already. That's pretty fast. Well, I wouldn't be blaming you for the cause as I've chosen to step into it myself. Actually I've been prepared for this outcome. But I didn't think that this outcome will be like this seriously. Still, I want to thank you for bringing me happiness for the past few days. You're a great boyfriend during that period of day, I cannot deny. Well, now you have her, treasure her. Don't treat her like what you've treated me. The feeling really sucks. If one day, you're in the same situation as me, I believe you'll hate it too. Now, you didn't experience it, that's why you didn't feel anything. But it's a great hurt for me. Moreover I've got Hurts over and over again as you know. I don't blame you. I will try forgetting you. Up till now, I miss you and I really do. Stay happy always. We're not fated to be together and w/o me in your life, you're happier. That's the reason I'm willing to let go this relationship and will never regret about the decision I've finally made though my heart cries.
Well, time INDEED heals everything, however, the scar in me will NEVER vanish.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

One sentence for you. WHO AM I EXACTLY TO YOU?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

There's a girl whom is in a relationship told me about her story. She told me that she couldn't feel the sense of secure from her boyfriend. She has no one to turn to so I became her listening ears. How she hope that she could tell him," Baby, could you please give me a sense of security?". She teared while saying this sentence out. She said her boyfriend kept adding girls and give numbers out. She really dislike it very much and i believe if you were her, you will dislike it too, isn't it? How she hope that her boyfriend will stand in her position and think for her. Well, the girl's boyfriend.. If one day, your girlfriend kept adding guys and gave them her number, will you feel unhappy too? Well, if you love her much enough, more or less, you will dislike and feel unhappy i guess? She love you too much and that is why she feels it in this way. She was very happy to be with you, she was very pleased to have you in her life. She was hoping that she could walk down the rest of her life together with you hand in hand. Sometimes you've to think for her too, don't always think for yourself or satisfy yourself. Sometimes you may think your doings is right. But sometimes your doings may hurt people which you didn't realize... ... And your words have really hurt her deeply, very deeply ... ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Today I didn't go school. I went Somerset meet Benoit to do our project. Webcam-ing in the midst of project-doings. Too bored already. Home sweet home at around 8 plus <;
Had small unhappiness with YOU today. But it's alright after all. I will forget about it de. You don't take it to heart also. It's just words which accidentally slip off your mouth. Though i felt hurt and had actually teared, but it's all over. You're forgiven (: It had actually brought us closer. Well, just don't do it again already. (: I still love you lots. Iloveyou, BabyXavier 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let us not forget that knowledge and skills alone cannot lead humanity to a happy and dignified life. ... I claim credit for nothing. Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insects as well as for the stars, Human beings, vegetables or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. If you ask for a fish I’ll bring you the ocean, If you ask for a flower I’ll bring you the garden, If you ask for a cloud I’ll bring you the sky , If you ask for a star I’ll bring you the universe, If you ask for a giggle I give you a , smile, If you ask for a finger I‘ll give you my hand, If you ask for a horse I’ll bring you the herd, If you ask for some sand I’ll bring the beach , If you’re asking for my heart, to late, it’s already yours.I'm lost in your dreams, during the day, and because of that ,i can't feel the sun's rays, I'm lost in your dreams, even at night, and because of that ,i can't see the moon light, I'm lost in your dreams, for months together, and because of that, i can't feel the changing weather, So baby now i can't leave you because, Without YOU my life is "Blue". 
I don't know what's your past is like. What i care is now and future. And i trust you. People change and People make mistakes too. It's okay to make mistake as long as you learn it from yours. I believe that you've changed as I can see through your action. If you haven't change, I truly hope you could change for me. I'm serious to every relationships. So same will goes to ours. I will treasure and cherish this chance which has given to me. And actions can prove everything. I won't treasure and cherish our rs just by SAYING only. I will prove to you and i believe time reveals everything. As we grow older together, as we continue to change with age, there is one thing that will never change. I will always keep falling in love with you. For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away. Then I wrote it in the sky but the wind blew it away, SO I wrote it in my heart and that's where it will stay. Baby, don't leave me alone, i need you be by my side. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I don't need anything much from you, What I need in r/s is very simple. I need your care, love and understanding. Though we are tgt for not long, but i could felt your cares, loves and understandings for me. And you made me fall for me. Well, I want to hold on to your hand and walk down the path of ours together. I won't leave you unless you ask me to.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I was blissfully attached to him today, 16012011. I've decided to accept him as I could see his sincerity through his eyes when he jio-ed me today. Well, I really do hope I'm right this time.  I don't wish to get any more hurts. My heart is fragile, isn't as strong as what you think.

BabyXavier, today i was blissfully attached to you. I was indecisive early on as I couldn't really decide for this after several hurts from them. My heart couldn't take it if there's another time. Well, still I've chosen you. The reason is simple, when you held my hand, I could felt the warmth from you. It shows me that you can be the one for me. I don't know if all these is true, as i said no one can predict the future. Neither you nor me. Well, i still hope that you will treasure and cherish this rs. I've given you and myself a chance as you've asked me to. I will treasure and cherish this chance which I've given myself. I hope you can help me by letting me believe in love again. I hope you will always be there for me whenever i need you. Iloveyou, BabyXavier. ((;

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Recently I've realised that my blog is abit dead. I shall revive it by myself (: Nowadays I was busy with my school projects etc. Never really have time to update my blog. 
Well, 2011 for me, is really a bad year. Things have happened so randomly til I didn't really know how to handle it. Things kept happening. No one knows that what kind of pains I'm suffering under. Some people could just take me for granted. Some people could just bring me to the top of the mountain,kept telling me that i could see rainbows when I reach there but kicked me away hard,making me fall badly down the mountain and didn't even bother to look at me and walked away. Some people could just simply hurt me with a childish intention. Some people would rather believe someone whom they never met before but contacting, than someone whom is friend with them for months. It hurting, isn't it? Some people couldn't really put themselves in others' shoes and think for them. Whatever they did, is for the sake of themselves. This is what I called, SELFISH. Some people think that they are always right and look down on others. Did they really feel happy and content when seeing others are suffering? Sometimes, I really don't understand how people's thinkings are now. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hey ex boyf, thanks for letting me go as I'm so much happier w/o you in my life and i shall see how long you can last with her . (:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Today never went school as i was damn late. Went woodland library to do my project. Around 2 plus, Kenny come and find me. (: We studied in the library. After went to find Danny as I've got to know that he's in woodland too. (; chit-chatted with him awhile then he went PS to work and we went to Mac to have our lunch. After eating, we went back to library and do mugging :D ! Well, otw back to library, i happen to see a car which  caught my attention . :D around 8 plus , home sweet home ((: !

Don't ever judge me so easily when you don't know me well yet. It's kinda pissed off, seriously .

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Today went for 3 hours lesson, 8am - 11am. Then went Vivo with my classmates. For lunch, Banquet for girls, food, food court for guys. HAHA. After that, went arcade to play our games and took neo prints. Around 3 plus, we went to separate ways. Esther and me went Dhoby Gaut to meet my friend, Kenny. While waiting for him, went Jcube to say HI to my friends, then arcade to play DDR and plaza sing to WINDOW SHOPPING ! And here comes Kenny. After he came, we went POMO to had our pool session. Its fun though ! haha. Around 6 plus, Esther left. Kenny and me went Jcube to have our LAN session. FUN ^^ then went KFC to have our dinner. OTW to Plaza sing KFC, you guys guess what i saw. DA DUNG~. AJISEN MASCOT.  It was soooooooooo cute luh ! <3 ! Well, abit crazy liao haha ! We took photo with it ! :D After eating, went slack with kenny, daniel and company.. Then home sweet home :D !

cute pen !! <;


esther and me <; 

this look weird.. thanks to my ear @@

cute right ?!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Today went out with Felicia, Xilyn, YongJun and william. 
Tamp platform waited for F, X, YJ ---> bugis to have steamboat ---> cine to window shop --> tamp safra play pool ---> home sweet home :D

Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
Single Attached



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?Chity chatty?