Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Friday, December 31, 2010

Today went to meet Cleon awhile at plaza sing. He was with Keimus and his friend whom i don't know the name is. haha. Slack around while waiting for Elwin. Finally Elwin came. Went to eat cheese fries @ kfc and then slack around like weird only. No place to go D; Then da boy came to meet us. Walked to Orchard and went to the roof top of the Orchard Central. It was fun when we took the "LONG" escalator ! Daboy has height fright and Elwin kept disiao him. So funny. I laugh until wanna peng liao LOLOL! After that, we went cine, walked around. Then went bugis wait for Kenny. While waiting, we went LAN. Saw Felicia Yeo and dinghan etc at arcade. Then Andy and Kenny came , Elwin and Daboy went home. Me, Andy and Kenny slack around. Awhile later Andy went home, left kenny and me slacking around til 11 plus. Then Home sweet home :D

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Everyone is fooling me. Dislike the feeling. )))':

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yesterday :

Morning met kenny at Aljunied platform, went bugis junction arcade. Played Street Fighter and Tekken. Caught stitch as my arcade friend has helped me :D Then hongyi came to find us during his break time. Accompanied hongyi to thai temple at Bugis. And here comes Andy and Ah mao (; Andy bought me chewy gum :D *Met their friend, AhBoy, accompanied him to do his DBS card. After that, going take bus to cine. Suppose to watch movie ytd, but end up, didnt. LOL. Otw to Bugis Street bus stop, saw their friends, Elwin and MeiFang. Took bus tgt to cine. And alot of their friends turned up. Went to the roof top of the Orchard Central. Coincidentally, i wore the same color and same pattern of shoes as one of their friend, "LION" :D We were playing our shoes. haha ! Slack tgt at there, then went J-cube and arcade awhile, then home sweet home :D


Went school to do my Proj work with my schmates. Then suppose to meet Lion at yck at 3.15pm, But i left school early. Instead, i went somerset meet hongyi first. I'm the first one to reach somerset. HOW SADDENING IT IS ! D': After meet up with them, we went cine koufu and had our lunch. I had yongtaufoo as my lunch. And they only had drinks ! They bluffed my feelings D: said want to eat but end up never ! rahhhh * After eating, went lucky plaza and had our pool session. Their friend, Jeremy came and find us and we played tgt. After that ,went cine. Saw zhong, ace, andre and co. But didn't slack w me. 4 of us, went far east plaza. Lion find his brother workplace. And they had dinner at the chicken rice stall. Then, zhong called me and we went level one find him. slack with him and few of their friends. Then home sweet home :D

Here's the pictures taken with them and my stitch ! :D

took with Andy during X'mas eve :DDD

took it yesterday :D *my poor stitch T^T    

me and hongyi :DDD

the electro bastards ! hahah :D

Lion and mine shoes !! :D

Meifang and me !! :DD

took it during X'mas eve :DDD

took it during x'mas eve :DDD

Me and Ah Mao :DDD

My stitch !!!

chewy gum from andy :D

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Today met Cheryl at somerset mrt, bought her x'mas present. Hope she will like it. Then went cineleisure and slack there. Accompanied her eat KFC. Then went to meet Ah mao, Hong yi and Ames. We slack around Orchard area. Went for pool session after seperate ways to eat burger king and koufu. After that slack at Cine lvl 9. Had much fun there. Then accompanied Cheryl to meet her Boyf. Then home sweet home :D

Boy, imissyou !

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Why am I losing you when I've started loving you?
Sometimes, i really hope someone would be by my side ALWAYS no matter what happen. It's a fact that, whenever I've fell for someone, I would get to cry everyday for that person. What is love? After so many things have happened, I realised, I don't know what is love  and I don't believe in Love anymore. I was hoping that there'll be someone who is willing to be the key to open the door of my heart. Like what I've mentioned, true love is EVERYTHING whereas sweet-talks is NOTHING. Currently, I really don't know how to differentiate who is treating me SERIOUSLY and who is NOT. I'm seriously tired in love.

Today morning met weijie and mark for breakfast . Then went PS with weijie to meet my girlf, cheryl. Slack around with her and weijie at PS, ate KFC too. Then went orchard central to meet peifen and co. Weijie left to meet mark while me and the rest went lucky plaza and had our pool session. After that,Andy came and find us. Went Cine, ate and drink at koufu. then more and more people we saw and said hi. Arnd 12am, home sweet home :D Had fun today ^^

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I've realised that whenever i fall for someone, I will start to get hurt.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

True love is EVERYTHING.
Sweet talk is NOTHING.

It is so hard to differentiate who is treating me seriously and who is not.
I'm tired, seriously.

Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it. 

This morning, I'm woke up randomly and was very tired. But thanks to your message, I was fully awake. It was so sadden that I'm this kind of person in your eyes. I'm glad you thought of patching back. But, if you really cherish me, you will do it in the first place. Why would you wait til already lose me, then thought of cherishing me? I really don't get it. Initially, I tried damn hard to maintain our rs and you've spoilt it with your own hand. You may not know you've already hurt me because you're not me. So you wouldn't able to stand in my shoes. Every of your words have just hurt me deeply. Remember you told me "I'm not yours.". Simply this sentence can already made me teared alot like seriously? After break-up, I cried almost everyday and my mind is full of you. I still care for you. But this morning, when I saw your msgs, I realised that I've regretted for falling with you for so deep. Because i fall for so deep, but get this kind of outcome. NO TRUST. You still kept thinking I'm lying to you. Then what for telling me all this? If you want me to fuck off from your life, Please tell me so. Don't have to use this kind of method to tell me. I'm human. I have feelings. Currently, up to you if you believe me anot. Brain is yours, not mine. I couldn't control it. What i can say is, next time, Please get things clear before giving me a lashing. thank you !

Today morning, met Felicia at Aljunied platform, passed her the drama show and accompanied her to work at Orchard TANGS. Then went Far East Plaza and bought my moon grey lense. It's nice :D After that, went back Aljunied Mrt to wait for WJ and Mark. Took bus 40 to katong, had nasi lemak and katong laksa for our lunch. It's delicious ((: Then , we walked to East Coast arcade. Caught mini stitch also :D Cute ttm ! Played for around 1 hour, walked to Parkway and had our LAN and POOL session :D After that, I cabbed down to ION and looked for Felicia, William and his girlfriend, Kawai :D Had crispy chicken and sweet potatoes for our dinner. But William had his wanton noodles ^^ After that, home sweet home. :D

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Once again, I teared because of you. Once again, you've appeared in my mind again. Thanks to you.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Today talked to my friend about you. Felt that i and her are on the same boat. YOU and HIM don't know how to cherish and treasure us. How saddening are we ! D:

Today went over fajar to meet weijie. Slack at his house, watching CHUCKY :D then met his friend, Mark at mac. Had mac for my lunch. Then went over Mark house slack. I use my fb and they play their poker cards. After that, went bukit panjang, slack at carpark there . Then home sweet home :D This is the photo we taken yesterday at vivo arcade. $3 only :D

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I've slowly forgotten you as a lover. (:

Today planned to meet WeiJie. Before meeting him, I went Boonlay to meet my friends, HongXin and ZhiHua as WeiJie woke up late ): I met Hongxin and we went kopitiam in Jurong Point 1. He had his lunch, I had my drink. After eating, accompanied him to smoke outside the JP and slacked around. And here comes ZhiHua. Accompanied him to Burger King to had his lunch.. Listened to their stories and meanwhile waiting for WeiJie. After eating, they smoked outside the JP again and I accompanied them. Then WeiJie texted me that he has reached cck. So I went to take train and meet him at JE. He always late D: Next time if he late again, he die :D Then we went vivo city, had our sakae sushi buffet for our "tea time". We were so full that we've missed Udon. awwww D: After makan-ing , went Toy R'us. Played some toys :DDDDD We shopped awhile and I saw alot of stitch. OMG. My loved !! >.< Went arcade , played ddr, bball, tekken(i kept winning :D). Before arcade, we went Pet Shop. Alot of cute dogs ! omg :DDD I took some pictures :DD After vivo, we went somerset. Went orchard central, saw cloen and his friend. Then slack together at scape there, then went arcade again. Arcade session with WeiJie, then home sweet home. (:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

 uʍop ǝp©¥sdn plɹoʍ ʎɯ uɹnʇ noʎ

A broken heart is like a broken mirror it is better to leave it broken than to hurt yourself trying to fix it. 

You've seemed forgotten me alrdy. Its quite saddening to see that. You still love me? You still miss me? No, you don't. No worries, I will forget you completely but not as a friend. You're just a passerby in my life. I will treat our memories as a small small part of story in my life. I believe that I'm able to get over you and move on with my life. I swear I will.

Today met WeiJie at Bugis. Arcade awhile , played bball, street figher :D Went to watch a movie called " Let Me In". It states that its the scariest vampire story... But, it isn't scary at all. Not at all. But the storyline not bad. :D After movie, he brought me to Haiji lane to take a look at blogshops there. Its nice anyway.Then, we went tiong bahru and slack @ 131. Saw the "gangsters" + "dao-ster" there. hahahahha :DD Said hi and bye . We ate SHEN MIAN . Then met Cheryl and passed her the LENS. Then home sweet home :D I had much funs with him today :DD

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I swear I fucking missing you like hell. I don't think you will have the same feeling as me. 

Days past, my mind is still full of you. Yesterday night, I've dreamt of you again. I really wonder at all times, when then i can forget you? When then i can realise, you're not mine initially? It hurts more than being rejected by someone.

Today went Plaza Sing with weijie. But before he came, Cleon came to find me and I accompanied him to wait for his friend, Keimus. Then here come Weijie :D We studied awhile in Long John Silver. Then went LAN and POOL SESSION. After that , went arcade. Had much fun with him today . :D 7 plus, home sweet home ((: !

Monday, December 13, 2010

Every moment, I thought of you. Whenever I thought of you, my tears just dropped. I wonder when could i stop thinking of you. Almost everyday, I've dreamt of you. How I wish the dream would become true . However it wouldn't. No text, no call from you. I swear I Fucking miss you. Sometimes how I wish you are by my side, but I know it won't happen again. Because I know myself very well. YOU DON'T BELONG TO ME AND YOU'RE NOT MINE. And once again, I tear again.

Today had Math common test. It was kinda tough and I don't know if i could make it. But I've tried my best. After the test, met Cleon at AMK, slack around and coincidentally saw Gordon, Kaseng and Adam. Asked Adam to help me buy KOI. <: It tastes no different from bubble tea shop. I wonder why KOI is so popular. Laughs. I'm glad that Cleon kept making me laugh like hell. Haha. Slack until around 4 plus, Cleon and company accompany me went to school canteen and I had my quiz as I've missed it last Friday. After the quiz, Cleon and I went Plaza Sing while the rest don't know head off to where else. I had my cheese fries and we slacked around Plaza Sing. And here come my baby girl Cheryl. Slack awhile and home sweet home (:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

As days past, my mind is still full of you. I don't know how to make myself from stop thinking of you. I don't know how to make myself from clicking into your fb. I'm so obssessed with you. I'm so in love with you. I'm missing you so much. However, I guess you don't know. Tears dropped whenever i think of you. I hate this feeling seriously.

Today rot at home mugging for CT next week. I hope everything's gonna be fine for me. 

When i was on the way home, it has started to rain. The first person i thought of is you. I thought of how we played and sang under the umbrella. It was so sweet and i guess it won't happen again. It is just a dream. And i realised that ever since that day i was tgt with you, my blog is all about you.

Today went over woodland to meet Marcus to study together. We studied awhile in the library while waiting for Bihong. When Bihong came, we went cwp Mac to have lunch. After that they went back to study again and i went PlazaSing to find danny awhile. Then meet up with felicia and shawn @ orchard for half an hour. After that, went tiong bahru to find cheryl. Wanted to go chalet but end up didn't go. Anyway have fun in tiong bahru (: Then i accompanied cheryl to meet her friend, Cleon. Cleon, his friend, cheryl and me slacked @ smoking area there. Looking at them smoking. They are like smoke machine. Smoke non stop. *shake head. After smoking, went arcade. Played awhile then cleon's friends wanted to meet him. So we accompanied him and his friend to the slacking area, waiting for his friends to bike down and they came. Slack there for like 1 hour plus. Met felicia and shawn again as it is coincidence. Then slack until around 10 plus, home sweet home (:

Whenever i go to, my mind is full of you. I guess i'm really crazy over you. You won't know because you're not me.

Friday, December 10, 2010

I and him officially over. I have chosen my own path so I wouldn't be blaming you. If you happen to read my blog.. I tell you. I still miss you. Sometimes i was wondering... Why would you treat me in this way? Did i owe you in my previous life? I put so much efforts, cares and loves in this RS and this is what i got from you. What i need is more of your understandings , trusts and cares. Is it too hard ? I didn't take things for granted. You might think whatever i said is bullshit.. I believe one day, you will think that you're wrong. Anyway i will take my time to forget about you. Though we have been tgt not quite long, but many places contain our memories. Whenever i went Fast Food restaurant, I would take 2 straws and fold heart, but no one takes. Whenever it rains, I will think of that song and thought of you. Whenever i went dhoby, I will think of you. Whenever i heard " wo ai ta " i will think of you too. Whenever i get to knw someone live in Yishun, i will think of you. Whenever i go bugis, i will think of you. Whenever i see the candy and pizza sweet, i will think of you. Whenever i see couples on the street, i will think of you. 
Even when the day we broke up, you've appeared in my lala land. You treated me damn good like princess in my lala land. how i hope it is true. However its just a dream. Yesterday i dreamt of you again. To be accurate, almost every sec, min , hour, moment, my mind is full of you. You've never left my mind before.
But let bygone be bygone. I hope you're leading a happiness life now. I still care.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Can you think of me for once? ):

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Today went over BabyJon's dad shop to help out. B4 that, we had Mac for breakfast. Saw the picture above? It was taken when we were eating. We were playing with it (: Hahaha !!

Then while eating, i took alot pictures of him too. *random pictures. hahaha HANDSOME and CUTE right ? <: My boyf leh . hehe . After eating , we went to give flyers from door to door in hdb flat. You guys may think its tough to do so right? However i'm enjoying it damn well. Because of BabyJon <; Hehes . FUN FUN . hehe.

  Then slack @ his dad's shop. Ate ice kacang, used lappy, went shop and makan at the area. After that , find  felicia @ bugis. Met Shawn too. While waiting for felicia, I look around for job. But, no jobs ); Then home sweet home [:

BabyJon, I swear i love you with all of my heart. Trust me.

My baby wants me to blog. So i should let pictures do the talking. Will update more at night ! [: We are sweeeet. So people, Don't envy wor ! ^^ hehehehhehehehhe !

Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
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?Chity chatty?