Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Baby, I love you . I don't want to lose you. I love you with my wholeheartedly. From the moment we are together onwards , my heart only got you. There will be no one who can replace you in my heart. I'm not SONA( Say Only , but No Action ). I will prove to you as Actions speak Louder than Words. Baby, when you're feeling down , I'm willing to be your clown to cheer you up . When you're feeling that your world is full of darkness, I'm willing to be your lamp post, to brighten your days up. When you're feeling that my footsteps are fast, I'm willing to slow it down for you. When you need a shoulder to lean on , I'm willing to lend you mine . When you need a ear , I'm willing to lend you mine too. As long as its concerning you, I'm willing to do anything just for YOU. I really hope you know my heart . Don't doubt it and I will prove to you . No matter how hard our journey is, I'm willing to hold onto your hand, and walk through the obstacles we may face in future. I will never let go of your hand and I don't want to. I hope you Don't too. Baby, all i need is you. YOU, YOU AND THE ONLY YOU ! My life will be empty w/o you. I want you to be my last and the only one. I love you and i really do !

Monday, November 29, 2010

Have you Changed ? );

Sunday, November 28, 2010

我的最愛 (Wo De Zui Ai)

像一場夢 卻醒不過來
就會讓我看不清楚 你想做的你
我卻都忍的住 清醒的孤獨
在我心中 你永遠是我的最愛
像一場夢 卻醒不過來
就會讓我看不清楚 我想做的我
我卻都忍的住 夢裡

 BabyJon, this is for you. I don't know why the vid link become like this. LAUGHS. looks weird. anyw whatever i want to say to you, Its all in this song. ^^ iloveyou !

Today is a great day. Went out with BabyJon to Bugis. Saw stitch. cute cute. All about stitch . WOOHOO :D Anyway We had Long John Silver for lunch. Actually meeting Joyce, but end up she didn't come. BabyJon and I went play 1 hour LAN @ BugisJunction VL. Played L4D2. After LAN, went POMO to eat our ice cream then pool session with him. Then, went Plaza Sing and have a walk. We decided to go Cityhall as Plaza Sing , we shop until sianzxc liao ! Laaughs.Went Marina square find his brother's girlf who is working there. Then, head off to Suntec to have cheese fries @ KFC and arcade time too ! After that, went Toy r'us for fun and recalled our childhood time.Fun playing with BabyJon >.< hehehehe ! Then , went carrefour, bought cheese hotdog bun [[: NICE NICE ! [: Bought sweet also. he bought two clorets. One for him, and one for his mother. So guai of him sia >.< hahaha ! After that, HOME SWEET HOME. currently watching KPOP preview on channel U ^^ i guess someone NOT HAPPY LIAO [:

BabyJon, today's time really flies. I'm damn happy when i was with you. What an aeroplane day ! Thanks for being by my side whenever i need you although you hated KPOP ! Laughs. you hate kpop, i hate dota !!!! >.< Anyway had fun with you ! Baby, I will always be with you no matter what. I won't leave you. I love you and i really do. ^^

Friday, November 26, 2010

One question from me to you. M i still important to you still ? I felt that you've changed and i'm really scared seriously.

I have a feeling that you've changed. I want you to be the inital person whom i know. Have felt insecure and not comfy. Trust is the KEY of every relationships.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

 Today is a great day. Went L4D2 with my friends @ dhoby gaut . Then Went Yishun to find my BabyJon.. It was raining , but still we went safra and played pool. Nice pool session with him [: We bought red umbrella from "7-11" too ! hahah RED. He kept scaring me lor ! LOLOL ! After pool session @ Yishun safra, HOME SWEET HOME. Ohya, otw home in mrt, coincidentally saw my friend JinKai. Though he stands in front of me, he couldnt recognise me still. I thought wrong person so sent a text and asked if he's in the train. When he recieved, he looked up. Haha. He said he couldnt recognise me. haha ! changed ? ^^

BabyJon, I had fun with you today. Thanks. "下雨天了怎么办,我好想你........" Sounds familiar hor ((: hehes ! RAIN HEAVIER AND HEAVIER DUE TO THAT SONG. fantastic sia ! LAUGHS ! ILOVEYOU ! :DD

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I really love this picture damn lots ! <3

Today went school for 3 hours . Well, I felt that the distance between me and my classmates have been getting further and further already. I'm devastated. But still, I will try my very best to stay on to this course, complete it and get diploma. I will endure no matter what hardship i'm going to suffer in future. I want to. <: 
Anyway , after lessons , met BabyJon @ amk. Had Mac for lunch and studied there . However, the person chase us out as the rule stated that cannot study during their peak hour. We left . Went BabyJon house to study. After that meet justin @ northpoint. Had pool session @ yishun safra with these two guys. And i never win before. ); sad ttm ! BUT NVM. (: I FORGIVE THEM . wahahha :D After pool session , home sweet home while BabyJon went LAN for dota. What a dota freak boyf i have. LAUGHS. but i love him ! No one can ever snatch him away from me! ^^ 

BabyJon , No matter what will happen in future, be it in a good or bad way, I want to hold on to your hand, walk the path together with you. I don't want to let go of your hand unless you told me to do so. As long as you're happy, I'm okay with it. The most imptly is, you must be happy. And, trust me with your heart. I really don't love him anymore. Now, in future, my heart only belongs to you. Action speaks louder than words. I will prove to you. And no worries if you go NS... I will wait for you no matter what. I will maintain this rs !! and i want to ! Because i love you ! :D

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finally i've got motivation in studying already. I want to study hard to strive a good grade for the sake of my future and myself. I don't want to disappoint anyone. Though i said i don't care, but my heart cares alot. Luckily today BabyJon encourages me and stay at my side when i need him . 

BabyJon, thanks for today. I really appreciate. Whatever you've done, i will treat it as a past. I won't rmb it already. Lets forgive and forget. Both are at fault. So, put down our unhappiness and grudges. I guess this makes our rs grow stronger only. I want to last long with you. Iloveyou.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Today went to school . Like finally lor. haha. Had lab and lecture . Then BabyJon came yck mrt to fetch me and we go for a date. Went PS again. haha. Then orchard. There come his brother and kimseng. Ate with them . small quarrels with my BabyJon but it is find already. And one more thing. SERIOUSLY FML. my left eye is injured. got scratches on my eyeball. FML FML ! damn no mood. Better don't come make me hot if not you die !! >.< actually i'm scared... :/

BabyJon, sorry about today. And today won't blog too much. sorry !

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Today rotting @ home the whole day sleeping. I was sick. And BabyJon moving house, so we ddin't meet up today. Miss him damn much >< Tomorrow Monday , a school day. I want to start afresh. study hard and play hard ! [":

BabyJon, sorry to make you worry just now . tell you something.... i miss you damn damn much >< Anyway see you tomorrow [:

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Today woke up @ 10.45pm , got prepare everything and head off to Dhoby gaut to meet BabyJon. He was late lo :/ Bought head band @ mini bits there and saw kimsheng and danny. Said hello to them and then went Mac outside wait for BabyJon. He came @ 1.15pm and we supposed to meet @ 1pm. Laughs. We went makan @ kfc. After that we went arcade , daiso and shop all around PS while waiting for Jasper, Justin and Carine. We went cathay there to shop too. His friends reached PS around 5plus. Wanted to watch movie but i have to go home early. D; Instead, we went kopitiam and had our dinner. Then went PS nearby to slack. And here comes danny and his friend, shufen. When BabyJon saw him, he was jitao Emo liaos. Then around 9plus, home sweet home :D
BabyJon, i know what you are thinking about . Well, me and him really had nothing going on. Never in the past, neither in future ! So please don't think too much. Trust me baby. I will love you with wholeheartedly. I won't disappoint you. :D I don't care how others think or look at me. The only person i care is only you. iloveyou <3

Today(19nov) went over BabyJon house again. His brother kinda funny though as he asked me all sorts of qns and it has actually made me quite shy too ! Laughs ! Then went over to tpy to meet his friend Justin and his girlf, Carine. They are friendly [: We headed to bugis and Justin ate Mac for his lunch. Meanwhile he was enjoying his Mac meal, BabyJon and me went to buy Ice Cream ^^ Thennnn, here comes Jasper with his "attractive" green pants. Too colorful liaos. Hahas ! After eating , We walked over to POMO and had our Pool session. I can say that Carine is a pro-ster. LOLOL ! She kept winning us. :D We had fun over there. We played for around 1 hour plus, then we headed towards Long John silver and had our dinner.After makan-ing , we went OLD SCHOOL, HAUNTED PLACE. For the guys , they don't seemed frightened as they went before. But for me, i tremble like hell and plus BabyJon kept scare me with all sorts of methods. He veryyyyyy.... "GOOD" sia. Also kept suan-ing me . *grrrrrr ! >.< But hor, within this moment, i felt xinfuu sia. Walked along scary place with the person i love . People usually go those fancy places to romantic, but this has alr made me felt romantic. You guys may think i crazy, but i still feel this way. LOL. Then suddenly , justin wants PEE. We kept finding toilet for him to pee and we found. When he pee-ed finish, we slack outside the restaurant. After slacking there, we walked back to PS and slacked there. Saw Kimsheng , Danny and their friends. Said hello to them , then they went concorde hotel there and me continue slacking with BabyJon and his friends until 11.30pm. Then, home sweet home <3

BabyJon, well, not i deliberately don't let you see de luh. Tmr i will let you see de, so don't feel so disappointed. Just an ezlink card. LOL. And also, don't think too much. I will use my own eyes to know you better and not trusting words from others' mouth regardless if its true or false. Everyone has their own pasts. You have yours and i have mine. Iloveyou not only love your goods. Iloveyou is to love the whole package of you , be it in a good way or bad way. Either way, I'm willing to hold on to your hand and walk down our love path. I won't let go of your hand no matter how hard the obstacles we would face in future. And i hope you could cherish me also. I hope you would be my last. Iloveyou, BabyJon. <3

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today head over to BabyJon house, he came sbw mrt fetched me , pei-ed him to buy breakfast and went his house. Initially thought his parents would be those fierce-type, but actually still quite okay la. Talked to them and found that they are quite friendly though. Then waited for him to pack finish his stuff as he's moving house from sbw to yishun. And actually he didn't really pack as he has woken up early to do so. So we head out to Plaza Sing to wait for Cheryl as she wanted to see someone dancing ^^. But, She cried when i saw her as her Boyf has broken up with her.
Cheryl, Don't have to grieve over such guy. If he cherish you, he wouldn't say such thing. So do cheer up. I'm here for you. [:
We went KFC to drink milo and slack. Whenever i meet Cheryl, we would definitely go KFC and slack de. Haha ! Anyway back to this.... I was wondering what BabyJon has ate in the morning lo...He kept suan me >.< I was wearing cap and he said i'm wearing helmet =_=" Cheryl kept laughing like hell. Damn angry . BabyJon still suan me that i have a pair of short legs. *slap die him
Then Cheryl friend, Billy came. I thought he is 17 or 18 initially. But he is 14 ! >< scare me sia ! Then we left and went POMO to play pool. Had a great time there [:
After Cheryl and Billy left, me and my BabyJon walked over to orchard and had our desert to cool ourselves as the weather is hot like hell. Then BabyJon brought me to a romantic place sia ! First time i've been there and i believe seldom people know about there. He damn sweet la ! Then , we headed to Wheelock nearby to have MAC as our dinner. Then HOME SWEET HOME.
Anyway babyjon, i don't care what others have said. Everyone has its past including you and me. I don't care your past is a bad or good one. If its bad, i hope you could change. If its good, i hope you can be better. I hope i can use my own eyes to see what type of person you are. If its fated for you to hurt me, i would accept it . I know you won't hurt me and i choose to trust you. I hope you can be trusted. Anyway iloveyou <3

I'm blissfully attached to JONathan :D I will be by your side whenever you need me :D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well, i wish to use my own eyes to look at what character you are rather than hearing it from others. When hearing from others about your chracters, i teared and i really do. I don't know why i've been so obssessed with you. I really don't know why. Obssessed til i'm willing to wait for you for 4 hours on that day. How i hope you're mine now. However, i know its impossible . But still, i want to use my own eyes to see which type of person you are. I will try stopping myself from stepping deeper in you.Whatever it is, please stay happy always. :D Don't fall sick...

Oftentimes we say goodbye
to the person we love without wanting to.
Though that doesn’t mean that we've
stopped loving them or
we've stopped to care.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A failing love is like desperately
hanging on to something precious;
not wanting to give up,
but your hands feel the pain.
And, when you finally let go,
you're free from any pain,
but your hands are empty.

We cannot beg someone to stay
if they want to leave
and be with someone else.
We have to admit that love
doesn't give us the license to own a person.
This is what love means...sacrifice.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Today woke up quite early , was feeling excited to see someone as he has promised me to meet @ 10am @ somerset mrt. However, I waited for him for 4 hours, he didn't appear. His phone got problem and it would auto shut off. So, i called him umpteen times, it appeared switch off.I was disappointed and i have actually teared. Luckily no one see. Around 12 plus, I decided to go PS and wait for him as he starts his work @ 2pm.. i called some of my friends whether are they going out anot. So Jerome is the only friend who can come out and he did came. We had our meal @ KFC and coincidently i saw HIM walking. Then Jerome went out smoke and meanwhile waiting for his friend.  He came out too. He kept apologise to me. Well, though i kept saying i'm alright but the fact is, im disappointed and sad. I've planned so much thing and you are the one who wanted to meet today. Yet.....lead to disappointment. Never mind la, at least i get to see you. Even for the short 5 min, I felt contented already. Anyway after that, jerome , his friend and me went POMO and had our pool game. A moment later , CZ joined. We had fun. Then CZ and jerome's friend left for work. Then i went to look for my another friend @ city hall and back to PS look for HIM. sighs. today it hurts me soo much. Boy, don't ever hurt me again. Could you? );

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The First day i saw you, My heart beats very fast. As days pass by, you have slowly melted my heart. However, i have heard something regarding you which has hurt my heart too. Well, i shouldn't have fall for you in the first place. I'm in the wrong. But, if you're just playing with me, then tell me. I wouldn't mind as long as you're happy with it. But if you're not, please cherish and treasure me. At least as a friend. I really hope to win your heart, but i don't think i'm able to. Well, what i wish to do is, watch you silently, seeing you getting your real happiness. I will be contented then. My love, iloveyou.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

It is sad to see you removing my comment away.
It is sad to see you not replying my msg.
It is sad to see you not caring me anymore.
It is sad to see you not viewing my facebook for once.
It is sad to see you not liking my any facebook status for once.

I want to care for you.
I want to love you.
I want to give you happiness.
I want to change you from negative to positive world.
I want you to be the happiness man in the world. 

I hope you could give me a chance to change you.
I hope you could give me a chance to care for you.
I hope you could give me a chance to love you.
I hope you could give me a chance to stand a little position in your heart.
I hope you could give me a chance to appear in your mind.

Whatever it is, I realised, i will never ever have a chance to do all these. But still, I will be by your side if you need to. I would lend you my shoulder if you need to. I would lend you my ear if you need to. I would be your clown if you need to. I would be your lamp post to brighten up your days if you need to. In short, I would do anything just for the sake of you. Iloveyou.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Today went bugis with cheryl. Suppose to meet her at 12.30pm , but she's late. She reached around 1.15pm. Then we went shopping around bugis street while waiting for Edmund and his friends. They reached around 2plus and we went to play pool @ pool fushion . After they left , we went kfc and ate our cheese fries. Then , went SimLimSq find shawn and met Vice. We had lots of fun there :D Really had lots of fun. LAUGHS ! Then went kfc again for dinner. Vice made us laugh alot. He made cheryl laugh til cry ! OHGOSH. >< Then, we went home.

My love, i know you love her back le. I really feel sad when you're ignoring me now. It really hurts. And I can't do anything right now. I just wish you all the best. I hope i can be by your side, taking care of you . Sometimes i was wondering, If you are single now, would you give me a chance to love you and care for you openly? I doubt i will have that chance i guess? Anyway i will be waiting for you here. <3 Stay happy always, my love.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Time flies. I have never seen you for 2 days already. I really miss you. I know that you have been living in a negative and dark world. How i wish i can have a chance and ability to change your life from negative to positive. But i know, i will never have a chance to do so. Whatever it is, I hope you can stay happy always .This is what i wanna see in you .

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I guess You have really moved my heart. I know you have a girlfriend now. But your girlfriend somehow didn't really care about. It hurts me to see you see over her seriously. I'm carrying a good feelings towards. Wondering is that call "like". I only know i felt good when i'm with you. I felt that i can behave naturally infront of you. And i also think that, you're a guy whom need more cares and loves. If i have a chance now, i would definitely care and love you doubly than anyone else did. Whatever it is, be in you know how i feel , i only hope you can stay happy and postitive always. I will be by your side whenever you need me. As i said, i would lend you my shoulder if you need it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This is the day we hanged out tgt at jurong point. It was fun thou. Cheryl is a housefly as she admitted it herself. This was a hilarious joke. haha ! We just had our fun and time really flies when we are tgt. (: And you saw a pic with alot chilli? That stupid john luh, when he was trying to pour the chilli out on his pizzza, the cap dropped out and poured alot alot of chilli. That moment, i heard him saying " wa cb" LOL. Cheryl and me were laughing non stop because it is damn funny esp the reaction of his. HAHAHAHA !

Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
Single Attached



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