Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

This is the picture i've taken this morning before i went for school. Lesson starts at 9am and ends at 12pm. After that went to catch a movie called " the last exorcism" with Hei Mun and Simin . Initially, the movie was damn bored as the characters are seemed like being interviewed. Its more towards documentary kind. But as it goes on, the movie is getting more and more scary. I guess this is the first scariest horror movie i have ever watch ! Haha ! Oh ya, forgot to mention that before movie, we had Mac for our lunch. ^^ After the movie, Serene called us to go bugis so we went. Serene and her few classmates and us were doing window shopping (; Gideon seemed like very hungry. Kept eating non-stop. LAUGHS ! His classmate said he can eat many round. I was like... WHOA? :D We shopped and played until around 5 plus. They went back, and i shop around and saw a guy whom i very long never see. I said hi to him and we play arcade. And he said i've changed alot. Change to more sexy. LOL. He was just talking craps. (;  After that , he went for a movie with his friend then i went home. (; And i'm having serious flu now. Don't feel like going school tomorrow );

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today had school from 8am - 11am . After that went bugis with Esther and Nazri. Supposed to have sushi buffet as our lunch, however there isn't any. ); I've been craving with sushi for quite long, thinking that today i can have it, but to my disappointment, i didn't ); So we went for Food Hunting and end up we have KFC as out lunch. And supposed to order " family feast" as it is cheaper, but Nazri was too anxious and cut queue and order his meals hahaha ! Too greedy of him (Y) After that, we went iluma arcade. They accompany me play jubeat and basketball ! hahaha. (; Then, Nazri went home, went to catch a movie with esther. 'YOU AGAIN' it was a nice show ^^
after that , went walk walk with justin, brian and his friend. AND AND AND, xiao bear who is working in bugis, gave me a bangle  (: its nice. THANK YOU (;

Anyway, I MISS YOU, my precious.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


so long didnt update my blog already. It seems that my blog is dying ); Anyway, I'm back.. (; Well, today went out with Kint. Went PS for a movie which started at 6.30pm. So before the movie starts, we went arcade , lan and also to have our lunch. Coincidently, he met alot of friends there and they also watching the same movies and at nearby seats too! how coincidence it is. (; Had fun with him thou. During movieeeee, he kept throwing POPCORNS on me. So evil la. LOL ... still want me to send him to bus stop.. ZZz ! But he seemed that he couldn't forget a girl still. Well, i just want him to be happy and not sad. Seeing him sad, it makes me felt uneasy too. How i wish i could be by his side at all times. However, it seems that he kept pushing me away. How sad it is ! );

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today is Sem 2 day 3 in school. Had graphic design lesson in the morning. After that went for a movie " child's eyes" . It was so scary ! haha. Then, went to meet my babes. (: Actually, we wanted to go play pool. But one of my babe la ! queued for the M1 thingy for 2 hours.. Until the rest want go home liao ); But ended up, she accompany me for arcade. Play my head off. haha. I want to forget all the sorrows i've got. I wanna spend more time on studies and friends rather than spending time on rs. When my right one come, i will cfm concntrate on him. Maybe now its not the right time?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today was Sem 2 day 2 in school. It was fine though. Had 4 periods of Math in the morning. It was Fun as i like math. But it is Amath. I don't like Differentiation, integration which we have to learn it few weeks later. It would definitely crack my brain only ! hahaha ! But i still hope it will be fine. After Math tutorial and lecture, i had my lunch with my babes. haha ! Then, we went for lessons again which are CS( sounds like COUNTER STRIKE roflol ) and OOP. 
After my lesson, i head off to woodland to find someone and also to meet my friend there. Bought bday presents for my classmates. I hope they will like it. We played arcade too ! but due to the injury of my hand, couldnt play much ): Anyw, have a great fun today though. Hope it stays forever like this. CHEERS ! (:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Today was my Sem 2 day 1 in school. It was a great day with l an a half hour of lecture and 2 hours of lab. From 12-3.30 (: Went to buy books for sem 2 which cost me $20 ++ .. After that went causeway point with kelly to find sam. Hahahaha. Played one round of basketball shooter at arcade. I played for one round and don't have much energy as my hand is injured. On the way home, i bought a pair of purple lense. Gonna try it tmr (: hope it is nice.. hahaha ! Gonna zzz soon as lesson starts at 8am tmr. Mostly Math tmr. CHIONG uh ! :DDD

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Haha, i've promised someone to blog about her. And i shall do that now. ^^ She's someone as crazy as me. Initially, i didn't know her until i know her in fb through nathson. Haha, maybe we are fated to know each other (: And soon, we meet out at bugis. I rmb the first time we met, is when we need to study for our own exam. I also rmb how crazy she was when i mentioned " kpop " . Crazy right? hahaha. Ohya , and also i rmb she was asking me about chemistry periodic table which i've thrown back to teachers long ago already. And as days pass by, our friendship grown closer and we become airen. HOHOHO. shall post some pictures.. I SHALL REVEAL WHO IS SHE ! hehehehehe !

                                           these pictures were taken in iluma TOILET lvl 1 (Y)

cannot see our eyes hor ? hohohoho ^^

she act cute right? but i just love her hahahahaha ^^

she ai mei.. no choice. take pic also wanna make hair ! ><

she touching her butt while taking photo ?! @.@  (Y)

my airen cute right ^^

fated to know her (;

see la ? make hair again ! bue tahan sio ! >:(

see ? im right correct? AI MEI SIOOOO !!

another evidence of she being AI MEI !! hahahah :D

she touched her butt again.. bian tai sia LMAO !!!

another pic showing her AI MEI !!!! (n_n)v

J & M

her head itchy la ! bobian. need scratch. HOHOHOHO ^^

this is her display picture in her fb !!! ^^

J, stop making your hair la !!!!!! many pics liao eh...

making hair again !!!! >.<

she's shy !! hahahhahaha (:t

The day in my work place located at Marina square, shop name " baby" (:

she acting sexy sia hahahahaha (:

act cute la she !!!! hahahahhaa

see? act cute again . ^^

she's taller than me )):

taken when she was sms-ing . guess who she was sms-ing to? ((:

she NO FACE SEE PPL hahahahaa

i was looking at her cute funny face ! hahaha :D

i zilian-ing (:

zilian-ing (:

we are about same size sia ! haha but i fatter );

in fitting room ^^

she bends down so that i can look taller?!! @#*&%! (Y)

she's my airen ! <3

hahahahaha :D

she zilian-ing (:

sweeeet right ? ^^

Thats the end of our pictures. Will take more in future. hahaha Although we know each other not quite long, i could felt she's a nice girl and friend whom i want to treasure and have it forever. i hope our friendship will last ! I love you, J ^^

you know i love you.

Its another brand new day. Woke up at around 8 plus in the morning and prepare to go work. Bathe, eat, makeup and also to bandage my wound on my hand. Initially, i don't feel like working as my hand is in a great pain seriously. But my boss said cannot as she couldnt find any replacement. So, i've got no choice but to work as usual. I have difficulties bending my right hand though. But what to do? I've to endure lor.
In the afternoon, Joycelyn coming to my shop and have lunch with me. (; OH ! I've promised her to blog about her today. Joycelyn, don't worry, i will blog you tonight. HOHOHO (; Just wait and see. ^^
Time pass so slow. 9 more hours to finish work. What a tiring day i've gonna have later on. And my boss coming down later for awhile.

And, baby, i don't know why you wouldn't jealous over that matter. Is it because you haven't love me that much or the other way round? Seeing you like this, make my heart felt uneasy. And i really don't like you keep adding girls. Because i love you deep. However, it seems that you really don't know how i feel. I seriously hope, one day you could really understand how i was feeling... But either way, my heart still belongs to you. Your Absence make my heart grown fonder. You can stop loving me, but you cannot stop me from loving you. Thats the power of love i guess?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Today went to see doctor as my hand is injured. Doctor gave me pills to eat and cream to apply on it. I hope it could recover fast. If not, will be uncomfortable. Tomorrow i still have to work. Unable to take leave as boss couldnt find replacement at so last minute. No choice but to bear the pains and go for work. 

Anyway, today i miss him ! (: hope to see him real fast. HOHOHO. :D today stay at home for the whole day. couldnt go out due to my injury hand ): it hurts !

thats all for today. shall continue tmr. (:


i miss you terribly ...
Thursday, October 14, 2010

It has been many days since i updated my blog already. Recently, kinda lazy and hand is injured. And at this moment, i miss you terribly. how i wish you were to be by my side...

Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
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