Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm not rihanna.. I don't love the way you lie, seriously.

YOU are my LIFE [[=
Sunday, September 26, 2010

From the day i've met you, i've kind of falling for you. Between you and your friend, i've chosen you. You made me chosen you. And also, i wouldn't want to regret the decision i've made. So i really do hope that you could treat me with all your loves, cares and sincerity. I don't want to be betray by you. I've discovered something about you. However, i wouldn't tell you. I rather i kept to myself. Well, to be frank, when i knew about it, my heart is damn miserable and terrible. I've got no idea how m i going to react. After few days of pondering, i've decided. As long as you're happy, as long as you're faithful to me, i wouldn't want to think about it anymore. Just only you're happy about it. Whatever it is, i still love you. You're my world. If you ask me... between my life and you, which one will i choose. Let me tell you, i will choose my life because YOU are my LIFE.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life is really unpredictable. My friend's hubby had just passed away out of sudden due to heart problem.. I know her hubby. Her hubby was so lively when he is alive.. I was shocked when i know about the news. Its indeed unblieveable.. I really hope people around me know how to treasure everything and every people around them. Don't wait til lose it already then regret....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

happppy birthday to you !

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

AND.... thanks to my airen, i got to know who is ALEX EVANS. he really damn cute and handsome..... !!! >< OMG.. hahahahhaah !! :D

AND ALSO... i've fall for justin bieber <3 ! he's cute and voice damn ROCKS !^^V


The world means everything to me, and you are my world... <3 
 从我第一天看到你,我就喜欢上你了.. 日子一天天过去了...我对你的喜欢也慢慢变成了爱.. 我不需要你给我任何的承诺...我只要得到你的允许..允许我喜欢你,爱你,能照顾你,能关心你...这样一来,我就心满意足了...除了这个,我需要你的爱与关心..

"我需要你的爱 像掉进了深海
也像坠落悬崖 找不到地方可以逃开
我会等待 你的爱
或许你 以为把这一座城市抛开
却不明白 我需要你的爱
不管多少阻碍 不求什么未来
我会用眼泪 洗去所有的不堪
                                  I LOVE YOU BABY

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Love Indeed is hurting.. However, as long as Matter concerning you, be it in a good or bad way, I will try my very beSt to protect you. Between you and him, i've finally choSen you. i hope you dont hurt me in a way which my exs had done so. i hope i wouldnt be regret my decision. i trust You and im willing to give it a try. i hope you wont disappoint me. i cOuld do anything including sacrificing my life , only for you. i love yoU and i really do!

当你站在我面前,看着我时,你知道我心里的悲伤吗 ?我的悲伤是 :你永远不懂我的悲伤。





Saturday, September 11, 2010

Recently, i've watched "koizora" which is a show for long already. And i've fall for the "hiro" in that show. He's so cool and handsome. And he looks so protective for his loved one in that show. Basically, that show is about... Tahara Mika is an ordinary high school girl. One day, out of the blue, one of her classmates kisses her. His name is Sakurai Hiroki also known as Hiro. Hiro stands out because of his bleached hair and piercing. Apparently he is also dating someone. Mika is shocked and hurt that her first kiss had to happen this way. She desperately tries to forget about it. Then, her friend tells her that she should find somebody else and suggests Tatsuya, another boy in their class. However, before she even realizes it, Mika is already in love... try to watch it if u haven watch. Its a nice show but the ending very sad and touching ): I cried when i watched....

And i've been to arcade to play basketball shooter and street fighter. Somtimes i could manage to fight finish all stages include seth whom is the combination of all characters. He's damn strong. Well, sometimes i couldnt finish fighting all the stages as whenever i played half way, there will be people challenging me. Sometimes i could win them, sometimes i cannt. They are strong either. hahahaha ! :D Went arcade with my ahkor JUSTIN "BABY BABY BABY OH, IM LIKE BABY BABY BABY NO~" :D justin, dont naaaabei me uh. hahahahha ! JOKER. sometimes i played photo hunt with him, he's just a noobass. LMAO :D Also went arcade with zack. He always lose me in street fighter. HAHAHA :D  ALL ARE JOKERS MAN...

Time really flies. As time pass, i really slowly forget everything about you. I know you're trying your best to forget to. Well, I'm sorry to hurt you in the past. And you don't have to apologise for what you've done on me in the past. I won't hold any grudges towards you. Everything is over. Let bygones be bygones. Lets be friends once again. Being friends, is a better choice for both of us i guess? Currently, I've fall for someone already. Don't ever think that i fall for others then break with you . If you really think in this way, i'm sorry then. Up to you, it's your choice , it's your mind. I couldnt do anything. Brain is yours. Whatever it is, we are still friends. I hope you can get your own happiness. Stay happy and stay strong ! Jiayous k. I would support u no matter what !

Officially, I've fall for you baby. I love you baby.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hellos :D
I'm back to my blog. Woah, felt so relax when exam is over. HAHAHAHA ! Yesterday went out with justin and look for job.. I've applied for the sales asst for etude house. I saw my friend's girlf working there coincidently. After i've applied, my friend called me and said i was being selected. I was so happy. Hahaha. . Then, there's a russian guy came and talked to me. I don't really like the way he talked. He kept touching me while talking.. =_= Felt so uncomfortable. Lol. He treated me a sweet. He is friendly btw. He still asked me go his work place everyday and smile at him. HAHAHAHA he's such a joker. lol. Today, justin and his friend, brian and me went out. We went playing arcade too. Brian was damn funny. he slept at the lvl 7 of iluma. i took several pics of him. HAHAHAHAH ! see my mood, see if i wanna post it on fb anot ! hahaha.. I hope i can work soon..... (:

                                                       Baby, iloveyou

Monday, September 6, 2010

My exam is over !! Finally. i can relax myself already. hahahahah ! ^^V tomorrow going out and find job job ^^ jy to me ! (:

Sunday, September 5, 2010


What is Love?
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Love can really force us to a corner and emo ourselves. Why can't some people treasure their loved ones? Is hurting a form of treasuring? Recently i just got too much hurts. Whenever  a guy i fall for, i would get hurts from them. I'm not hoping guys to give me hurts. I don't hope for that and i believe no one does.  Guys, until which stage of your life then you all will learn how to treasure your loved ones?  Chelle is simply dead , causing by RS.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today is My mum's birthday and tomorrow is my dad's birthday. ^^V HAPPY BIRTHDAY , MUMMY AND DADDY ! LOVE YOU TO THE MAX ^^V

Recently, i was quite busy over my exams so didnt really update my blog. Well, i had my 2 exams which are Internet Application Development ( IAD ) and Programming ( PMP) . These two exams were quite tough. I was kinda scared that i would flung these two modules. I'm having my last exam which is on 6 Sept. It is Data Communicate Networking ( DCN ). I still haven't get started on it yet. There's alot to study still. But guess i would study at night instead. I hope i can study finish ASAP. Jiayous to me ^^V

Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
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