Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Monday, August 30, 2010

After exams, i relax myself by decorating my own photos ! hahaha ! Today my exam was ok la. just only the section c and some parts of my section b may cause me to flung @@ i hope i will pass !

Sunday, August 29, 2010

[[我爱他]] 轰轰烈烈最疯狂
情节有多坏 都不肯醒来
[[我爱他]] 跌跌撞撞到绝望
 最初的天堂 最终的荒唐

Saturday, August 28, 2010

看了你的facebook, 我的泪留了下来.. 事到如今,你真的还在认为是我单方在伤害你?难道你真的没错? 为什么你总是看不到我对你的付出. 为什么?

Yesterday night, i've dreamt of you. Out of sudden, i realised that i miss you alot. But i wouldn't want you to do anything. I like my current situation. Missing you silently, watching you getting your happiness silently.. You have your own life, so do i. I won't interfere your life. I would try giving up on you, the only thing i need is just TIME. I would want to live a new life. I can continue my life w/o you. And i will prove to you. Your hurts for me have made me learnt alot of things. It has indeed made me grow up in my mind more maturely. Yeah, so thanks. The story between you and me, i will keep it deep in my heart. I won't forget about it. Instead i would like to treat it as a story in my life. I hope you could find your true happiness and treat her better. I sincerely wish you ALL THE BEST.

Today i saw you. Frankly speaking, my heart beats very fast. I wanted to hate you seriously. But i know i couldn't and i don't bear to. My heart tells me not to. Well, i love you. So letting you go, is a form of letting you happy. You may not know, but i believe one day you will realise that my decision is right.I won't hate you. As long as you're happy with your current situation, i will be contented also. To be frank, i've already forked out alot of efforts , loves and cares for you. I can swear on that. But somehow you can't see it. I dont know why. Maybe its my life ba. Currently, i just want to see you getting your own happiness silently. I will wish you all the best ! If there's a need, I will also protect u silently. Though many of my friends said it's not worth to do so, but i will still do it as i've made my own choice of loving you myself. I decided myself on this relationship. I hope you can be happy always. Do takecares when i'm not around you. Jiayous and dont ever give up easily.
You broke my heart last night
When you insinuated that my dreams
Will never come to pass.
When you insisted I give up
And let them fade away
Like the morning mist.
I spent the whole night patching up the pieces
Wondering where I went wrong in explaining myself
Wondering if you mistake my character
Wondering if you ever knew me at all…
Maybe you do and you just don’t care
Which is okay
Coz I’ll be okay
And keep chasing my lofty dreams
Till I catch them.

Friday, August 27, 2010


LOVE LOVE LOVE. Why would everyone getting upset over their relationship nowadays? Everyone is having different types of problems in their own relationship.. 
A person thinks about love in one way, while another person has a different idea about. Their ideas don’t seem to see eye to eye. I don’t know why it’s something personal and different in the other person’s mind. One person can say this, another person can say that. Like all men, they have their own idea on love. Some may agree with the idea that they like to be pampered by their partner in a relationship, not vice versa. Men want to be pampered, but guess what so does a woman. If you asked a woman what kinexternal image PrincessCrown_pes.jpgd of ideal man she wants, one of the many characteristics is that he should work to maintain her. A woman doesn’t want to be the one working to support them in their relationship; she wants to be treated like a princess. When you are truly in love, you don’t care about anything else in this world, you only care about getting that one person in their life and making them happy. People would do the impossible for that one special person. Some are willing to work hard for their love, but other’s just don’t appreciate it and run off with another person. Infidelity is the dark side of love, and people don’t care they have an extra lover, while the one back home waits for you when you return. There are people who actually do know when their partner is being dishonest with their love. They don’t wait around for the other person to come home, night after night, after night, no they deserve some respect. Some people take action, there is no second chance with love, you cheated on me once and that is it we are though. A person can take so much with love, and there is a point when there is no turning back and starting all over.Love can be a very complicated thing and people have their own view on it. Love is something that should be good and taken well care of; some actually follow this idea but others just can seem to understand this proposal. It is hard to change the idea a person has in their head, a person is valid to their own opinion, but love can over come and change any person it gets a hold of. 
I'm hoping people would solve their problems in their own relationship wisely and NOT harshly. Stand on the other parties' position and think for them. Its important that whether you really understand how they felt towards this relationship. Treasure your loved ones beside you. Don't regret if you lose them one day. Know how to CHERISH ! goodluck, people ! ( :

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh pls. Stop all your nonsense. Stop telling people that i'm toying your feelings. It irks me seriously. I guess you've really forgotten how much hurts i had from you. And now, you can just simply push all the blames to me.. Sounded as if you have no wrong at all. Woah.. You're such a "great" guy. Hahas. Knowing you, perhaps is a lesson learnt. Never mind. I willing to be a "bad" person as long as you felt it's right to do so. You are happy to do so? Well, go ahead. (: Telling others i'm toying your feelings, very fun right? HAHA ! I won't stop you and i don't even bother. Thanks for letting me know that you're really such a "great" person. Now i know smth. A people can change tremendously at a short time. Hey dude ! If you happened to see this post of mine, i wanna say a BIG THANK YOU to you uh. Thanks for letting me know, what kind of person you are. For the friends of him, you wanted to believe him, its really your choice. And of course you guys would definitely side him. But I don't give it a damn anymore. Dude, i will treat you as you didnt exist before.
Thanks for giving me such a great present uh. I tell myself " happy birthday" on your behalf ^^ thanks for your presents ! (:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What m i desiring for , is an angel or my desired prince charming would appeared in front of me. i want a prince charming whom is caring, loving, devoted, doting on me kind. I would really appreciated if there's one appear in front of me. I would definitely give him a hug . ^^ In my previous Relationships, i was having too much hurts already. Unwanted hurts from my loved ones. It was indeed a terrible feeling seriously. When is the right time, for my right prince charming to appear in front of me? Now what i need is time to heal the scars and hurts i got recently. Meanwhile, i would wait patiently for My MR.RIGHT to appear in front of me. When my next and the only Mr.Right appear, i will catch him and hold him tightly. I will never let it go again.

I'm really sorry if i've hurt you deeply. But on the other side, it isn't what i want. previously, you didn't treasure me enough to keep me by your side. Currently, no matter how much i said, you also won't bother anymore. I'm sorry. Indeed, i've my own reasons behind and i chose not to tell you. I guess, letting you go will be the true happiness you've received.. No matter what, please take care of yourself. jiayous !!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Different people would different love stories. And different people would also have different starts of their relationship. Relationship is something you couldn't compare much with others. Some people love to compare their own relationships with one another. People, do you think each relationship can be compared with one another? For my perspective, relationship is something that is unique. Unique in a way that it appears differently. This is what i appreciated when relationship comes to me. When it comes, i would definitely appreciate it. The reason for me to do so is.... I want to treasure everything that is around me. I don't want to be regret after losing it.
And also, some people do step into a relationship just because of $$. Well, i would like to ask a question.. Will $$ buy our happiness? Well, i don't even think $$ can buy our happiness. Some people are in reality. No $$, No relationship. I've come across to see alot experience served by poor people. Though some people may be poor, but they are happy. They treasure their everyday and live meaningfully. Compared to some rich people(i don't mean all), they spent their $$ as if its their daily habit. And some people would even used $$ to maintain a relationship? Isn't it meaningless?
I just simply hope that people would really treasure everything around them.Be it in a sad one, or a happy one ! TREASURE, TREASURE AND TREASURE !

Saturday, August 21, 2010

just finish editing my blog [= hope you guys will like it. CHEER =PPP


Thursday, August 19, 2010

这是你送我的生日礼物.. 我想要你亲手为我带上... 不知道是否有那个机会... 但是,我会好好真惜它的... 它是你送给我的附身福.. 爱的海豚哦! 我的最爱... 也就是你.. 你不在我身边时,我会把它当成是你... 我会无时无刻想着你.. 我对你的心, 永不变.. 因为我爱你..

我发现... 没有你的时侯, 我感到很孤独.. 好怀念我从前依赖你的习惯.. 曾經的我一直說和你一起沒安全感,但現在和你分開了,我才知道原來沒了你才是真的沒安全感...而後悔也已經太遲了...只怪自己不珍惜...夜闭上眼睛 于是 你的名字 璀璨成天上的星星 月亮...爬上我 的窗口 悄然进入我的梦中 拿走一粒相思的红豆 种植在星光灿烂的夜空 夜睡了 一切变得安宁 只有我 的梦 还睁着温情的眼睛 默默注视着你 眼在黑暗中 渐渐凝结成闪亮的水晶 我看见 你抱着被思压弯的 月 踏着心灵的韵脚 轻轻地捧起我的梦 放在玫瑰的花瓣中 这一刻 我在你的心里 找到了笑容 以 及那颗发芽的红豆 于是 我沉醉在你的身边 任你的气息 侵入我的心脾 这一刻我的眼睛 搁 浅在你的心海。期望你会回来...但是感觉你不会再回来了...
想最后一次问你....我们是否有从来的机会呢? 好想你.. 原本,没有你,我会更快乐... 但,没有经常来的信息,感觉好空虚哦...那是为什么呢? 我也不知道... 当别人说谣谣是我时,我难过... 但我还只是在乎你的想法... 我们还能从来吗? 我也不知道.. 我只希望你能幸福快乐.. 如果你问我,我今年的生日愿望是什么.? 我会告诉你...
1. 我希望我所有最重要的人,都能幸福快乐,平安过每一天... 我所谓"最重要的人" 当然包括你.. 你知道你自己是谁吧?
2. 我希望我能自己解诀你所有的压力与痛苦... 我宁愿我自己承担,我也不舍得让你自己扛...
3. 自己保留


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

我只希望我不在的这几天, 你要好好照顾你自己. 做工时, 要很小心.. 不准受伤哦! 你也要开开心心过每一天, 不要为我担心..我会没事的... (:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

说真的,我不忍心.. 但现在的我也没资格给你任何答案. 现在的我已经病了, 过了明天,你会有3 天听不到我的声音,看不到我的人,也收不到我的信息... 对不起~

when i've suggested break-ups with you, i cried. frankly speaking. i still love you. i dont bear to give up this RS. but you have hurt me again and again. im trying very very hard to trust your words. however, you didnt make your promises work once. im really too disappointed with you already. i've been hurt repeatedly by you. i was trying to be optimistic towards my own life with your appear. however, it slowly goes to pessismistic already. you know i need you, you know i care for you, you know i love you. but why can't you treasure me? i've once lose you and promised to treasure you again if i have a chance. you've given me a chance. i've changed. cant you see? you arent blind. you should be able to see it. isn't it? but yet, i doubt you see it. im really very sadden by your doings. i've thought of being with you forever. you can see it yourself too. my blog is full of your names etc. im so in love with you. be with you, i really damn happy to the max. and this is how i got back from you? hurts? why must you hurt me me so much? i really love you tooo much til i got so much hurts from you. sighs.
this is the end of our story. hope you could treasure the next girl who will appear in your life soon ! i will watch you, getting your happiness silently. if there's a need, i would protect you silently. and thats how much i love you.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


你都會奪命 連環CALL
我 愛你♥

Friday, August 13, 2010

daniel love chellechelle [[[[[[[[[[[[[[= !

所以只好寫 在這裡
不要覺得我肉麻就好 xD
babydaniel ,
請 babydaniel 用愛的眼睛看好了
在我寂 寞無助的時候
說些我喜歡聼得 字語逗我開心
你總是會奪命聯歡CALL的打 給我
我真的很開心在我生命能遇到 babydaniel
雖然你每次對我說我愛你或我想你時我只 冷漠的回應你
我 很想說我更愛你更需要你或更多心裏想的
因爲真的會害羞 xD
我 是真的很愛你的
你 要乖乖的待在我身旁
知道不 xD
需 要你
而是愛的宣 言
而是人家嘴裏說的小夫妻 xD
我愛你 babydaniel  ♥♥♥♥♥

OMFG. i've came to know a fucking bitch who buzzing around me. PLS. CARE ABOUT YOUR BOYF FIRST THEN COME TALK TO ME. dont ever fabricate LIES infront of your friends about me. PLS GET THE FACTS CLEAR. nabei. you think you chioo uh? KNS sia. you think your boyf very HANDSOME uh? AHHHHHH PUI ! 
you this fucking useless bitch. SIAM as far as you can! DONT COME IN MY LIFE AGAIN. i think i will vomit when i see you ! KNS SIA YOU. IM NOT WHAT YOU THINK ! FUCK OFF MAN. LAST LONG WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND UH. YOU THIS BITCH !

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The world might end, But my heart will never change.
You will always be inside here.
Maybe one day I will die, my brain will die,everything in me will die.
But my heart with you inside will never ever die.
You have all the time you want, baby
No matter what will happen in the end,
I will always wish to be your lullaby when you're sleeping.
Be your angels when you're in danger.
Be your blanket when you feel cold.
Be your fan when you feel hot.
Be your punching bag when you're angry.
Be your sweet when you're sad or down.
I will be your everything.
Even letting you go one day will make you happy,
I will bear the pain and let my hands off.
But my heart will never let you out of there.
You might walk out from my heart one day,
                                       but your soul,your footprints will forever be a mark inside

rmb what i've mentioned in my previous post? about the accident ? here's my conversation with his brother in Cindy's facebook....

hi, you're his brother?
her i mean *
i clearing up her face book
anw cheer up kay. i guess your sis wouldnt want u to be sad also.
take time.
ya i know
thank you
your welcome.
but.. can i ask smth?
why u want to del her boyf's fb away?
she is not no more her boyfriend
the moment she is gone, the relationship ended.
but can take it as friend also what?
become single, i understand. but dont need to del him ba?
my whole family will not take it as a friend
oh, your hate him huh?
looking at his photo make us even more angry
hate him not really
he wouldnt want this to happen also.
but just try not to see his photo
hmm alrights, i understand.
but what exactly has happened?
cos see-ing his photo will only remind everyone that know my sister how she passed away
cos i gonna tell you what happen
he lie to my mum saying they are going to celebrate cindy friend birthday
then they went to malaysia
and the fact is mook kiat is alway a reckless driver. he like to drive fast.
happen that day he was speeding around the corner in highway in malaysia
that is why everyone is blaming him
now you get it ?
he bangs into other car huh?
and how come he's alright and yet your sis.....?
he just own car hit against the barrier
cos he turned his car to his side without protecting my sister
when we ask him why he do that, he just say don't know
then yr sis just flew out of the glass panel?
the car flew into the air, my sister drop out from the car while in the air, while dropping from the sky, she hit onto a metal barrie causing 80% of her chest bone to be broken
and during the 3 day of funeral, despite my cousin telling him to pay respect to my sister, all he did was just sleep
wth? what kind of boyf he is.
that why all my relatives and family can't see that he feel guilty about it
how can he like that?
this kind of thing happen alr, he still can sleep?
what ever you see in the papers, be it chinese or english newspaper, i believe the reporter ask him to, its all like a show
i hate his behaviour like that
i didnt buy newspaper, so have no chance to see it.
but... he's really ridiculous...
he didnt cry?
cold blooded uh ?
he never even drop a single tear, even at the cremation ground where my sister is being pushed to cremate, he still never drop a tear.
i don't wish for much... i just want you guy to know the fact
and not his side of edited story
how can he like that...
to be frank, he's the mainly cause of this accident and yet he still can be so calm

i was like OMG.. how come her boyfriend is like this. hais....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

 people, please do read this post. be patient and read finish. thanks

yesterday, i came to know a news.. my friend's friend, who is studying in singapore poly and in CSCC , has died in a car accident. she's 19 years old, has 2 siblings i guess. and her name is Cindy Tan. after i know about this accident, i went to her facebook and also saw her bro's facebook. according to her bro's facebook.... Cindy has involved in a car accident in JB. and she was sent to the hospital. the situation was rather critical and was in danger. heard that her legs and chest bones were broken... she actually has waken up awhile . the doctor wsa trying very hard to save her. in her family, only her dad and her bro have passport, so they rushed there. meanwhile, they were praying super hard , hoping that she will be alright. however, Cindy didnt make it.. she passed away at 8.29 in the morning at 9aug which is national day. 
you see, while ppl are anticipating towards national day, this brave girl is struggling and fighting against her own live. it was saddening upon hearing that she has passed away. 
few hours ago, i looked at her facebook wall... from MANY of her friends comments , farewell to her, asking her to rest in peace and alot others memorable comments, my tears dropped. it was such a pity for this young lady who has just passed away like that. many thing might be waiting for her to be done. however, she doesnt has a chance to do so. ): from her friends' comments, i felt that this girl is very friendly, kind to all her friends. her friends , no matter is a guy or a girl, love her so much. she is such a great friend to them. she is such a lovely girl.. ohya, she was also attached. i bet that her boyf and her family were super sad. my condolences to Cindy Tan. hope she would rest in peace. 

people, from this, i've learnt alot. PLEASE do treasure whatever is around you. dont wait til it've lost or vanish, then regret... and also, dont ever take things for granted. be content with what you have now. perhaps, you dont care. but when u take things for granted, do u ever think that other ppl are struggling and fighting against demon? please do think twice before you have any actions or any thoughts of doing smth. LIFE IS UNPREDICTABLE. take this girl as an example... maybe this girl has a goal/ dream? mayb this girl has alot alot of things to do? mayb this girl has alot of wishes to fulfil... but she couldnt do anything now. she has disappeared but live in our people's heart. do u ever think of her incident? she is so young and she just passed away.. is that what she desire for? NO. she, herself, couldnt predict this would happen to her , neither her parents.

in short, ppl, pls do treasure your life. dont ever tempting to cut yourself over sadden happenings... dont ever think of foolish things when you face obstacles or difficulties. TREASURE YOUR LIFE ! and also treasure all things around you ESP your blood-related family. family only got one. rmb. and no matter how hard the obstacles are, no matter what SAD things you encounter, face it in reality... BE BRAVE. think in positive ways too ! BE OPTIMISTIC but NOT PESSISMISTIC ! dont think that i post this for FUN.



goodluck to you people . hope you wouldnt make a wrong decision and make yourself regret ! jiayous [=

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

i was having fun webcam-ing with my baby yesterday ♥♥♥ i was fucking miss him. he went back msia on sunday... and today finally he's back. however, we still couldnt meet. he's tired and he needs to work. i can understand. so i didnt blame him. just that i MISS him too too much liaos. today i on phone with him.. he said SORRY DIDNT BRING PRESENT BACK FOR YOU. hahaha ! so cuteeeee la him.. of course i dont mind he got bring present anot lor. he came back safe and sound , is already a GREATEST present which i've received from him ! hahahaha ! he just meant alot for me. UNDESCRIBABLE FEELINGS ! ♥ i have never felt so much love by any guy. he's the first guy :D i just hope that he's the last guy in my life . i want to last long with him. he has already meant toooo much for me le. ANYONE DARE TO SNATCH HIM AWAY, i will KILL DIE YOU ! heeeheeee ! =PPPPP
the journey between us starts on 1st MAY 2010. i remember he held my hand so sudden infront of the bugis street... i was stunnnnnnnnnnn ttm. hahaha :D after that he asked me, " can i?" so sweeeet of him laaaa. hahaha and you know what i ans back? OF COURSE I SAID YES. WAHAHAHAHAHA :DDD and so, bugis became of LOVE HEAVEN which is aka 爱情天堂 (n_n)v initially, my feelings for him is just a lil... but as time goes, my feelings for him getting stronger and stronger UNTIL UNDESCRIBABLE ! woohoo... unbelievable right? ;DDD me myself could believe in it too ! hahs. we had fun time and memories spent tgt. i was having sooooo much funs with him [= and he always give me surprise [[= he secretly bought my LOVED DOLPHIN AND STITCH for me. ohhhhs ! the stitch was catched in the arcade. he initially said wanna give her sis as bday present.. but lastly... HEH HEH HEH HEH [[= you know i know right? but, during our love story, there were two breakups. from these two breakups, we have learnt to treasure and love each other MORE. from these breakups, it have pulled our distance NEARER. from these two breakups, our mind are more MATURED. andddd.. from these two breakups, it makes me think in this way " baby, i will NEVER let you go again! " [[=up til now, we've already been tgt for 3 months ++. well, seriously, from this RS, i've learnt alot alot of things. thanks to my baby ♥♥ i really love him ttm alr. NOTHING will separate us ! i would stick to him, glued to him. hehehehes. i'll never let you go again BABY ♥♥ heehees !

Monday, August 9, 2010

happpppppy national day , singapore !

正在与我的 baby 通电话... 好想好想看到他哦...他明天就回来了... 好开心哦! [[=
 好想快快看他.... 我爱他!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

我们今天去plaza sing, the cathay...我们去吃 kfc... 哈哈, 好好吃哦... (n_n)v 我们本来要去看电影,但没时间... 他做工做7点的.. 我们去逛逛... 逛好多的店... 看到好可爱的娃娃尤其是 stitch.. 爱死 stitch 了! 哈哈哈 !! [[[= 今天真的很开心... 他明天回 batu 了.. ): 希望他快快回来... 一定会想死他的!! ^^

现在的我, 真的是幸福的... 与你在一起,我真的好开心.. 我爱你 !!




小 女人

Friday, August 6, 2010


Thursday, August 5, 2010

今天我和 baby ♥ 去 city square . 吃了日本餐. 好好吃哦! 哈哈 .. 然我们去走走..
与他一起逛街, 真的好开心哦..
 希望能天天和他在一起.. 爱死他了 !

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

我的家 ):









今天我好像有家归不得.. 家在装修..

早上还得早早起来... 真的好累..

but whatever it is, i still miss him alot.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

没见面的这几天, 仿拂几年没见.
我还是如此的想 你, 如此的爱你.


今天, 我从楼梯滑下去, 流血 ):

Monday, August 2, 2010

与他单单逛街, 我感受到好幸福哦...
 现在,我并不要求什么, 我只希望他能快快乐乐度过每一天.
 我不会再放开他的手. 希望他也不要.
 因为我爱他 [=


 小小幸福是属于我们俩的.  ♥♥

Sunday, August 1, 2010

im going to introduce a song here [=
最后一次 by a 17 year old lady.
its in my profile. try listening to it [=
it was an indeed touching song. i believe ppl who listen to it, would cry..

the story goes like this...
there is a couple, who have decided to get married after their graduation. however, the girl discovered that she was down with a skin illness which definitely cause her to death. thus, she kept herself in the room, refuse to talk to anyone . as days pass by, she decided to write diary. as she was writing, she realised that whatever she wrote, is all regarding the memories of her and her boyfriend. it motivates her to compose a song for her boyfriend. she has asked her friend to help her with the recording. for the fact, she was unable to sing. if she sings, she situation would get deterioriate. but with her "perseverance" kept her on going. she continued with her singing w/o caring about her own condition. and finally, she has recorded this song called "最后一次" . after that, she told the doctor to let her die peacefully and she died.. her boyf knew that she love sunrise.. so he went to all diff possible location to capture the pics of sunrise for her. Unfortunately, there was a day, when he captured alr, he fell from the mountain and he died. by the time ppl who have found him, his body was already decomposed.
so, ppl... do treasure your own life and also your loved one around you. some ppl tend to take their health as a joke. b4 u did anything silly to yourself, think about your loved one esp your parents.. do u knw how they would feel? so do treasure all things around you. you would DEFINITELY feel regret after losing it.
like me... when he was beside me, i do not know how to treasure him.. now he's gone... i felt super regret. what i hope is , to get him come back to my side and i would definitely treasure him no matter what. because I LOVE HIM.


他。总是担 心我


Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
Single Attached



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?Chity chatty?