Just a simple i love you will do ♥

Just a simple i love you will do ?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

im now gonna talk about my ambition. [[=
my ambition is to become a hairdresser. The reason is simple. If i have started to work in this industry, i hope my customers would leave with a great smile on their face. I hope to turn all the people into a beautiful ones. Whenever i went into the salon and had my hair cut, i would envy the talents and cool positions the staffs have while they are cutting their customers' hair. I would also observe on how they cut, trim, blow, wash , dye and do some treatment on their customers. Seeing them on how they turn people in a beautiful ones, it urges me to become a hairdresser in future. Many people tend to say " in this world, there is no ugly people, only the lazy one". Thus, i hope i could become a hair dresser one day and make people to feel good and comfy under my service. [=

i just simple love you [[=

recently i've suggested to patch back.. he said he will give me an ans.
no matter what ans he has given me, i only hope he can be happy as always.
if he give me an ans which i doesnt want, i just wish to watch him silently, seeing him getting his happiness. like this i will be contented.
i only hope he can be happy always.
but if he give me a satisfied ans, i would treasure him as always. this is how much i love him
im willing to be his sunlight, to brighten his days up whenever he need it. im willing to be his clown whenever he's feeling sad. i willing to slow down my footsteps if he thinks im too fast.
im willing to give up my life to exchange his happiness. im willing to do anything for the sake of him. i really love you, Daniel Tan.

i miss him tons. but i think he wont come back to me already. what i can say is, ALL THE BEST TO YOU, DANIEL TAN.

from your voice, i realised you dont love me as much as b4. utterly disappointed and sad to the max.

Friday, July 30, 2010

how i wish you could return back to my side right now. i need you. ): i miss you lots and tons. i love you.

well, thanks for the happiness you've given me. i really appreciate it. currently you are just hurting me too much. but i dont blame you. i only blame myself for not treasuring you. maybe in your life, without me, you can be in a better life. if this is the case, i would rather let you go. loving someone no need to have him or her.. loving someone is to see her or him getting their happiness. i love you. so i want you to be happy always. i will watch you getting your happiness silently.
i love you, Daniel Tan

i really love you alot. i really wish to have you back. wei le ni, wo shen me dou yuan yi zuo. whatever it is. i love you and i really do.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

totally hurt by you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

back to my blog.. [[=
was busy with my projects.. didnt really have time to blog. moreover i having moodswing nowadays. alot of things just happen randomly at one go til i couldnt really tahan. it makes me think that life is kinda meaningless and boredom. what i hoping for is, i can get all my projects done asap and also to pass my exams.

Monday, July 26, 2010

i decided to start afresh from today onwards. i hope you wouldnt hurt me anymore. i will forget the past and go towards the future. i will love you as much as you did. dont disappoint me. i would appreciate that!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

sighs. i'm still hurt by your words. you shouldnt have say all those words to me when you're feeling down. now then you apologise to me. dont you think its little too late. what you have said is alr been done. you also dont and wont understand how i feel. do you think a SORRY can heal everything. after i saw your msgs this morning. do you know how long i cry anot. and u just simply say sorry. i cant take my tears. u said i dont care for u. then in the past few months we've been tgt, what i say and what i do is for who? for no reason? ): why u will like that treat me? i didnt find the reason why.i really dont know why must you like that treat me in this way. i think in the past life, i should have owed u anything ba. when your ex sms u, and when i asked u, u lied to me. what u think my feeling is? when u sleeep when ure dating w me, what u think my feeling is? when other ppl ask me, u bully yr boyf uh so he slept while ure playing arcade. what u think my feelings is. the prob is you dont know anything and yet u say all that to me. i really hate it alot and alot. maybe we shouldnt have started all this ba ! w/o me, you will be happier and livelier and w/o stress ba?

this morning, when i've read your msgs, i teared. and someone was there for me. i was very grateful to her. if it wasnt her, i dont know what i will do or i should say , i dont know what i've done. thanks SUMIE. (:

could anyone tell me whats the meaning of CARE?

could anyone tell me whats the meaning of CARE?

your sms has caused me unable to sleep. i didnt mean to ask someone to teach me my module when u're in no mood time.
sometimes when you're tired, i asked u to sleep at home, dont come out, im fine de. u said, nvm la. its ok. see u i got energy liao. but u always tend to zzz when we re out. ppl kept asking me that i've bullied u is it, when they saw u zzzing when u are dating with me. and now u blame me i didnt care for u much. when u teared when playing arcade , i kept asking u what happen.. isnt this call care? when u are sad, i asked u what happen, tell me, u also nv tell me.. isnt this call care? when u need me, im beside u.. isnt this call care. how i wish u could define what is CARE.
i said a guy friend wanna teach me as he's grad frm NUS multimedia and infocomm tech.. so i wanted him to teach me as he always come to the tuition centre near my house and he's my friend too.. ive no one to teach me. all my cousins and friends doesnt learn this. and my classmates dont understand some of the parts too. when i ask u, " you trust me?"... u said" i dont know la. very confused".. when the second time i ask u again when i explain that guy's background to you, you said" why you everytime use trust thing to say me? u know i love u. of course i trust u. why u like that treat me?" EXCUSE ME SIR.. URE THE FIRST ONE WHO SAID " I DONT KNOW LA VERY CONFUSED" WHEN I ASK IF U TRUST ME ANOT. WTF LA. everything push the blames to me, you know how i feel anot. aiya. dont know how to say u la...tired.

sadd ):
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

sometimes, i would be thinking.. if i wasnt in this world, how will the ppl around me be like?
in other words, if i didnt appear in front of you, would you be happier? livelier? would u be less stress? less miserable?
i'm sorry to be the cause for making you so stressful, so miserable. if i know, i wouldnt even choose to appear in front of you. i just want you to be happy. and not in this state. seeing you like this, im neither any better too.
how i wish i didnt exist in this world... how i wish im not the one causing you so miserable. i just want to make you happy, i want to protect you, i want you to be good. but i didnt do it. im such a failure. how i hope i can disappear for now ! ):

stressful ~~
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

recently, i was so stressful over my sch stuffs. projects, tests, exams. SUPER stress. in few weeks time, there were upcoming exams. 30 aug, 1sep and 6 sep which is the following day after my bday. damn suey ): sighs... i only hope i could pass everything for this semester. goodlucks to me. (:

hahahaha (:
randy helped me with the design of my blog。 if not i dont know how to get started。 haha !

Simply me.
Photobucket Unlockedlove♥

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am. (:
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